1917 "Actum Tempus Part I" [CD]2013 - Death Metal from Argentina |
1917 "Actum Tempus Part Ii" [CD]2013 - Death Metal from Argentina |
AEONSGATE "Pentalpha" [CD]2013 - Doom from International |
AFTERDEATH "Unreal Life (Demos & Rare Tracks 1990-1997)" [CD]2013 - Death/Thrash/Progressive from Portugal |
ALGEBRA "Polymorph / Procreatin" [CD]2013 - Thrash from Switzerland |
ANNORKOTH "The Last Days" [CD]2013 - Atmospheric Black Metal from Russia |
APOCRYPHON / FABRICANT "Split" [CD]2013 - Death/Grindcore from United States | Death Metal from United States |
ARAGON "Thorn By The Devil" [CASSETTE]2013 - Black Metal from Poland |
ARMAGEDOM "Ganancia Irracional, Extincao Inevitavel" [7" EP]2013 - Thrash/Death/Crossover from Brazil |
ARMIFERA "Eradication" [CD]2013 - Thrash from Canada |
AT THE GATES "With Fear I Kiss The Burning Darkness" [12" LP, Blue Marbled Vinyl]2013 - Melodic Death/Gothenburg from Sweden |
ATLANTIC TIDE "Aeons Of Hell" [7" EP, Black Vinyl]2013 - Heavy Metal from Sweden |
AUGUST "August" [CD]2013 - Heavy/Power from United States |
AUTOMATON "Echoes Of Mount Ida" [CD, Digipak]2013 - Doom/Stoner from Greece |
AVULSED "Ritual Zombi (Xtreem Music)" [CD]2013 - Death Metal from Spain |
AYPHEROS "Ascendet Novissima Tua" [CD]2013 - Black Metal from Chile |
BAL SAGOTH "Atlantis Ascendant" [CD]2013 - Symphonic/Epic Black Metal from United Kingdom |
BATTLESOUL "Tir Na Nog" [CD]2013 - Folk/Melodic Death/Power from Canada |
BENEDICTION "Transcend The Rubicon + The Dreams You Dread" [2-CD]2013 - Death Metal from United Kingdom
BHAGAVAT "Annunciazione" [CD]2013 - Black Metal from Italy |
BLOOD MORTIZED "The Demon, The Angel, The Disease" [CD]2013 - Death Metal from Sweden |
BOARDERS "R-Existence" [CD]2013 - Heavy/Hard Rock from United States |
BOOHOOS "Rocks For Real" [CD, Digipak]2013 - Heavy Metal from United States |
BRETT WALKER "Nevertheless" [CD]2013 - Rock from United States |
BUD TRIBE "Eye Of The Storm" [12" LP, Green Vinyl]2013 - Power from Italy |
CALCULATE "Apotheosis" [CD]2013 - Deathcore from Canada |
CARDIAC NOOSE "Girl Named Misery" [CD]2013 - Heavy Metal from United States |
CHAOS ECHOES "Duo Experience / Spectral Affinities" [12" LP, Clear Green Vinyl]2013 - Death/Doom from France
CHAOS ECHOES "Parisian Sessions / Rehearsal I" [12" LP, Blue Vinyl]2013 - Death/Doom from France |
CHRONICAL DISTURBANCE "Foggy Creek" [CD]2013 - Thrash from Canada |
CIRRHUS "Cirrhus" [CD]2013 - Black Metal from United States |
CRISTEEN "Red, White, Black & Blue" [CD]2013 - Rock from United States |
CYCLONE TEMPLE "My Friend Lonely (Deluxe Edition)" [CD]2013 - Thrash from United States |
DAEMON "Condemned To Darkness" [CD]2013 - Brutal Death Metal from Canada |
DARK DESIGN "Prey For The Future" [CD]2013 - Progressive Power/Thrash from United States |
DEAFLOCK "Courage To Expose All" [CD]2013 - Thrash from Japan |
DESIR DE MOURIR "Incure The Wrath Of Silence" [CD]2013 - Atmospheric Black Metal from Germany |
DEVASTACION / POGROM "La Hace La Fuerza" [CD]2013 - Death/Thrash from Argentina | Black Metal from France |
DIMMU BORGIR "Godless Savage Garden" [CD]2013 - Melodic Black/Symphonic Extreme from Norway |
DRAP "En Naturling Dod (Embrace My Funeral)" [CD]2013 - Black Metal from Sweden |
EL CAMINO "Smaland" [12" MLP]2013 - Heavy/Stoner from Sweden |
EL CAMINO "The Gold Of The Great Deceiver" [12" LP]2013 - Heavy/Stoner from Sweden |
EPHEL DUATH "Hemmed By Light, Shaped By Darkness" [12" 2-LP, Gatefold]2013 - Progressive Post-Black (early), Avant-Garde Jazz/ (later) from Italy |
EYE OF THE STORM "Eye Of The Storm" [CD]2013 - Hard Rock from United States |
FLAGELLANT "Morbus Nefastus" [CD]2013 - Black Metal from Sweden |
FLOTSAM AND JETSAM "Ugly Noise" [CD, Digipak]2013 - Power/Thrash from United States |
FUNHOUSE "Way Things Will Be" [CD]2013 - Death Metal from United States |
GIBRALTAR "I'M The One" [CD]2013 - Rock/Heavy Metal from United Kingdom |
GLORIOR BELLI "Gators Rumble, Chaos Unfurls" [CD, Digipak]2013 - Raw Black Metal from France |
GROUNDWAR "Reign Of Ruin" [MCD]2013 - Metalcore from United States |
HABORYM "The Sun Has Fallen" [CD]2013 - Black Metal from Mexico |
HYAENA RABID "Homo... Homini... Hyaena!" [CD]2013 - Grindcore from Italy |
HYBREED CHAOS "Dying Dogma" [CD]2013 - Brutal Death Metal from Canada |
HYPERTENSION "Primeval Tyrants Prevail" [CD]2013 - Speed/Thrash from Sweden |
IDIOT FLESH "The Grotesque Revelations" [CD]2013 - Dungeon Synth/Electronic from International |
IMMOLATION "Kingdom Of Conspiracy" [CD]2013 - Death Metal from United States |
IMPIETY "Vengeance Hell Immemorial" [CD]2013 - Death/Black/Thrash from Singapore |
IN SILENTIO NOCTIS "Disenchant The Hypocrites" [MCD]2013 - Gothic/Melodic Black Metal from Finland |
IN SOLITUDE "Sister" [CD]2013 - Heavy Metal from Sweden |
IRAE "Rites Of Unholy Destruction" [CD]2013 - Black Metal from Portugal |
JEGZIVATAR "Misanthropia" [MCD]2013 - Atmospheric Black Metal from Hungary |
KETELENS' BRUKKE "Ancient Shadow Throne" [CD, Digipak]2013 - Black Metal from Austria |
KNIVAD "Sakta Ruttnar Vi" [7" EP]2013 - Punk from Sweden |
LUCIFER'S HAMMER "Beyond The Omens" [T-Shirt]2013 - Heavy Metal from Chile
| |
MAGIC CIRCLE "Magic Circle" [CASSETTE]2013 - Doom from United States |
MALEKHAMOVES "Malekhamoves" [7" EP]2013 - Death Metal from France |
MANILLA ROAD "Mysterium" [CD +DVD]2013 - Epic Heavy/Power from United States
MANILLA ROAD "Mysterium" [CD]2013 - Epic Heavy/Power from United States |
MERKNET "Nigra Diaconia" [CD, Slipcase]2013 - Black Metal from Russia |
MIDNIGHT MESSIAH "The Root Of All Evil" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2013 - Heavy/Hard Rock from United Kingdom |
MILITARIS-TIC "Curse Of Weapons" [12" LP]2013 - Punk/Thrash from Finland |
MOMMY DEAREST "No More Wire Hangers" [CD]2013 - Hard Rock from United States |
MORTYR "Rise Of The Tyrant" [CD]2013 - Thrash/Speed from Sweden |
MOTORHEAD "Bastards" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2013 - Heavy/Speed from United Kingdom
NECRORITE "In Death´S Certitude" [CD]2013 - Death Metal from Mexico |
NECROSODOMY "Eternal Darkness" [7" EP]2013 - Death Metal from Hungary |
NECROTIC DISGORGEMENT "Documentaries Of Dementia" [CD]2013 - Brutal Death Metal from United States |
NERVE ABSCESS "Apartheid Gnaws The Subliminal Intnegrity" [CD]2013 - Brutal Death Metal from Ukraine |
NIGHT DEMON "Night Demon" [CASSETTE]2013 - Heavy Metal from United States
NIHILISTINEN BARBAARISUUS "Synkka Tuuli" [CD]2013 - Ambient Black Metal from United States |
NOCTUM "Final Sacrifice" [12" LP, Black Vinyl, Gatefold]2013 - Doom/Hard Rock from Sweden |
NUIT NOIRE "Depths Of Night: Collection Of The Early Demo Tapes" [2-CD]2013 - Black, Black Punk from France |
OBRERO "Mortui Vivos Docent" [12" LP]2013 - Doom/Stoner from Sweden |
OCCULT 45 / DRONES FOR QUEENS "Split" [7" EP]2013 - Grindcore from United States | Hardcore/Grind from United States |
OFERMOD "Mysterion Tes Anomias" [12" MLP, Black Vinyl]2013 - Orthodox Black Metal from Sweden |
OLD SEA AND MOTHER SERPENT "Chthonic" [CD, Digipak]2013 - Stoner/Doom from Russia |
OSHIEGO "The Great Architect Of Nothing" [CD]2013 - Death/Thrash from Singapore |
OVVL "Ovvl" [CD]2013 - Heavy/Stoner/Doom from United States |
PANIKK "Unbearable Conditions" [CD]2013 - Thrash/Death Metal from Slovenia |
PEST "The Crowning Horror" [CD, Digipak]2013 - Black Metal from Germany |
PLEASURE OF MUTILATE "Premontion" [CD]2013 - Brutal Death Metal from Ecuador |
POLTERGEIST "Effigy Of The Grotesque" [12" MLP]2013 - Thrash from Switzerland |
POMPEI NIGHTS "High On Adrenaline" [CD]2013 - Hard Rock from United States |
PRELLUDE / MACHINERGY / RETALIATORY "Tributo Ao Spectrus" [CD]2013 - Traditional Heavy Metal from Brazil | Thrash from Portugal
PROFANE PRAYER "Tales Of Vagrancy And Blasphemy" [CD]2013 - Black Metal from Greece |
RATTUS "Turta" [CD, Digipak]2013 - Hardcore from Finland |
RITUAL REAPER "Plague-Ridden Kingdoms" [12" MLP]2013 - Goth/Rock from Sweden
ROOT "Viginti Quinque Annis In Scaena" [12" 2-LP +DVD, Gatefold]2013 - Black, Dark Epic Heavy Metal from Czech Republic |
ROTTING CHRIST "Kata Ton Aaimona Eaytoy" [CD]2013 - Grind (First Demos), Black (early), Black/Gothic (now) from Greece |
ROXY BLUE "Live At Nightmoves" [CD]2013 - Hard Rock from United States |