How the increasingly wispy Amorphis continues to be identified as a metal band is a mystery, given that the keyboard-laden sound of this Finnish band is one guitar away from being U2 or matchbox twenty. The difference between Amorphis and the mawkish side of modern rock is in the songwriting; Amorphis don't sell their songs away with craven pop hooks. Though very easy-going, Amorphis have the conviction of the Cult or Angel Rat-era Voivod. Most importantly, after wandering out of the Scandinavian metal ghetto in the mid-1990s, Amorphis is finally secure in its navigation of the ethereal. The wistful vocals, the tickling threads of guitar, and the expanse of electronic organ intertwine beautifully, so that Am Universum is never in danger of being blown off its course by any particular prevailing trend. Where the good ship Amorphis is eventually headed is a little harder to fathom. --Ian Christe