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DRILLER KILLER - Reality Bites
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DRILLER KILLER "Reality Bites" [CD]

Hardcore from Sweden
Stock:  Yes
Record Label : Osmose
More From : DRILLER KILLER products
Detailed Description
Reality Bites is Driller Killer's fourth full length and has a noticeable style alteration from their release prior to this, Fuck The World, mainly because there seems to be a lot more mid-tempo beats. The fast stuff is still comparable to Disrupt or Doom, but with more thrash / speed metal oriented riffs than Fuck The World. Think D.R.I. or even early 80s Metallica. At the same time, some of the mid-tempo songs remind me of old crust in the category of Extinction of Mankind or maybe even some crusty grind riffage akin to Rotten Sound without the blast beats. Also on this Cd is what I Think might be the best Rise Above cover song I have heard yet. I wouldn't say that Driller Killer has all out changed their style on this album,I'd say progression is a better word. Either way, this album is great in that it combines an assload of different genres and doesn't just pull it off, but fucking owns it.

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Sweden | Hardcore
$5.99 - $21.99