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ETERNITY - Pestiferous Hymns - Rev. I-I-XXXIII
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ETERNITY "Pestiferous Hymns "Rev. I-I-XXXIII" [CD]

Black Metal from Germany
Stock:  Yes
Record Label : World Terror Committee / Nebelfee Klangwerke
More From : ETERNITY products

Detailed Description
We are proud to welcome one of Germany's long serving Black Metal Bands back into the ranks of the Terror Committee and hereby announce the release of Eternity's third full length album, entitled 'Pestiferous Hymns ' Rev. I-I-XXXIII'. Although the Band has added a few new elements to their music, Eternity are still sticking to with what they began 18 years ago, celebrating nothing else than Blackest Metal.

The album was mixed and mastered at the "Temple of Disharmony" by A.O.D. and features some guest appearances by Drakh (Katharsis), Nocturnus Horrendus (Corpus Christii) and V-Kaos. The cover art was crafted by Saint John (

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Germany | Black
$4.99 - $19.99
 World Terror Committee $5.99 - $32.99