Thunderstick Productions, ' THUNDERSTICK is back '. You've been warned! ' A new album from the NWOBHM (New Wave Of British Heavy Metal) legend: 'Something Wicked This Way Comes' stays true to its musical genre; female fronted NWOBHM/Classic Rock. ' The first new THUNDERSTICK album in over thirty years 'this is an album that is befitting of the THUNDERSTICK of another era, but screams relevance for today.' ' Drummer, Thunderstick creator, Barry Graham Purkis became the figurehead of the newly emerging NWOBHM scene and known for playing with IRON MAIDEN, SAMSON (with Bruce Dickinson), Gillan's Bernie Torme, as well as his own band. This man's pedigree cannot be denied. ' His masked persona known not only for his wild style of playing but doing so from inside a cage has thrilled and terrorized audiences alike. ' an absolute cracker of a comeback album 9/10' - Bravewords