POUNDER - Thunderforged DESTRUCTOR - Blood, Bone And Fire
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THROAT "Blood Exaltation" [12" LP]

2024 - Sludge/Noise/Rock from Finland
Price Range:   $28.99
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Hailing from the always-vibrant Polish black metal scene, THROAT are miasmic morbidity personified. While so many of their domestic contemporaries honor the paradigmatic sounds of the Temple of the Fullmoon, THROAT instead mine a wider, wilder style of black metal that looks both east and south. Theirs is a clanging, crunching sound that variously nods to Necromantia, Mortuary Drape, Hungary's Tormentor, early Samael, and fellow Polish iconoclasts Cultes des Ghoules: catacombed, ancient, unsettling.

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