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JERK WARD - Too Young To Thrash
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JERK WARD "Too Young To Thrash" [12" MLP]

2009 - Hardcore/Thrash from Canada
Stock:  Yes
Record Label : Supreme Echo
More From : JERK WARD
Original Year : 2009
Detailed Description
A teenage adrenalin overdose of 80s hardcore thrash with Steve McBean of Black Mountain / Pink Mountaintops and two members of the Neos. Contains full "Flesh & Bones" '84 demo except one song replaced by an early version from "BYO - Medium Raw" comp tape '82, and one unreleased track. "this LP sounds great considering it's comprised of demo recordings... Jerk Ward varies the tempos and also throws in weird guitar work to keep you on your toes. Lovingly compiled and well worth tracking down." (MRR). 17 songs, fold-out cover with heaps of original artwork + photos circa '82-84, plus a mini-booklet with interview + art. 
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Canada | Hardcore/Thrash
 Supreme Echo $7.99 - $23.99

$12.99 - $12.99