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DIABOLIC OATH - Profane Death Exodus
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DIABOLIC OATH "Profane Death Exodus" [CD, Digipak]

2020 - Black/Death Metal from United States
Stock:  Yes
Record Label : Dybbuk
Original Year : 2020
Detailed Description
On their harrowing debut album for Sentient Ruin, Portland OR extreme metal tormentors Diabolic Oath unleash complete hell on earth, unravelling one of the most unnerving and annihilating displays of sonic tyranny to have been vomited out of the West Coast of the United States in recent times. While the influences drawn from bands like Teitanblood, Immolation, and Bestial Warlust help trace a profile, the album remains an enigmatic abhorrence quite hard to fully define or categorize, with its colossal yield of destruction shaped primarily through an unorthodox mastery of the fretless guitar and bass accompanied by a triple and often simultaneous vocal attack, an unusual and free-form approach to the black/death craft which has resulted in an album of almost otherworldly destructive traits. Standing out as a peculiar defining trait are also the album's noticeably decreased tempos and dismal atmospherics which stem from the band's veneration of extreme doom, which, opposed to the intensity and brutality of the execution unmistakably descend from the most violent fringes of war metal, has resulted in an overall sound with tank-like resemblances, colossal and imposing in the form but unrelenting and perpetually perpetrating destruction in the deliverance. Further defining Diabolic Oath's darkened aural cataclysm is the wide array of aberrant philosophical and spiritual projections which permeate the music and become one with it, surfacing via the lyrics and aesthetic to shape a deeply mystical and esoteric abyss of abhorrent inverted transcendence. This juxtaposition of complete sonic cruelty and morbid ritualistic esotericism has made of "Profane Death Exodus" a profoundly transcendental ritual of indissoluble ruin and symbolism that will stand high as one of the most enigmatic and diabolical displays of supernatural sonic terror to be released all year.

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United States | Black/Death
 Dybbuk $4.99 - $13.99