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BLISS OF FLESH "Empyrean" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]

2017 - Black/Death Metal from France
Stock:  Yes
Record Label : Listenable
Original Year : 2017
Detailed Description
In the 20 year plus career, it's the first time Listenable pledges with a local band . By all accounts, BLISS OF FLESH have shown a lot of hard work, dedication, and much conviction in expanding internationally, touring intensively and spreading the plague over the years. BLISS OF FLESH is also a very charismatic band, their obscure brand of thoughtful obscure black/ death metal has aroused passion in many European lands, The band has been building up a scorching reputation for their incendiary live hows. BLISS OF FLESH have developed a conceptual trilogy of three albums inspired by Dante'sTrilogy : Divine Comedy . Their brand new upcoming album 'Empyrean' concludes such trilogy. The band elaborate further : " Inspired by Dante's The Divine Comedy, 'Empyrean' concludes the trilogy initially started with 'Emaciated Deity' and 'Beati Pauperes Spiritu'. The Empyrean is the highest place in Heaven reached by Dante on the last step of his travel to God, after having crossed the Nine Spheres surrounding the Earth. He had to renounce to his humanity to follow this own path. " " 'Empyrean' reveals a personal vision of Dante's Paradise, focusing on the legitimacy of forgiveness and questioning the divine body in each human being. " " 'Empyrean' carries the listener to an initiatory path to the Absolute Truth. One's decision will be either to deny one's kind and embrace light, or worship one's weaknesses and plunge into Darkness, and Our path has been chosen. "

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