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AMSG - Devotional Hymns Of Retribution
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AMSG "Devotional Hymns Of Retribution" [CD]

2024 - Black Metal from Canada
Stock:  Yes
Record Label : Atolinga
More From : AMSG
Original Year : 2024
Detailed Description
Re-Release of the Debut EP"The Principle of Evil Becomes the Ideal of the Promethean" with special Bonus Tracks (3 Rare Live Songs plus a Song taken from the 4 Way Split "Hostis Universi Generis".) Include a New killer Art Design layout! You are warned this is a Sinister and Dangerous Black Metal a tribute to subliminal dark sounds not suitable for the weaks, this is Black Metal Terrorist !!!
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Canada | Black
$6.99 - $36.99
 Atolinga $5.99 - $14.99