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BLUT AUS NORD - 777: Cosmosophy
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BLUT AUS NORD "777: Cosmosophy" [12" LP, Natural/Black Smoke Vinyl, Gatefold]

2022 - Black Metal from France
Stock:  Yes
Record Label : Debemur Morti
Original Year : 2022
Detailed Description
The denouement. The calm after the storm (but, still, disquiet interrupts the serenity); when the floods have washed away the debris. The circle is closed. Haunting, dreamlike, an altered state has been achieved. All-knowing wisdom prevails. At one with all - omniscient. Soaring, alive with insight, bursting with extra-ordinary energy. Almighty. At the centre of an infinite structure in perpetual deconstruction, "777 - Cosmosophy" represents the instinctive manifestation of human and obsolete conception of Time. Where the light feeds the darkness, where every second is the Eternity and sounds the death knell - the monumental work of the eccentric soul gets lost in a deep echo... and this echo is the sublime Sound of the Universe. A beautiful tragedy; a tragic beauty. Devastatingly restrained, the climactic movement in the monumental "777" trilogy represents the culmination of a rapturous evolutionary process. Arguably BLUT AUS NORD's most-daring venture yet, the third and final chapter represents both the beginning and the end. Et le Chaos se tut...
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