SAVAGE MASTER - Mask of the Devil BULLDOZER - The Day of Wrath
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Thrash, Crossover/Hardcore from Czech Republic
Stock:  Yes
Record Label : Doomentia
More From : LAHAR products
Original Year : 2013
Detailed Description
Thrashers of the world, unite! Our beloved genre is now under serious attack, being threatened by hipsters and people who have nothing to do with metal alike to be turned into a sad joke. But fear not, my patches' vest and high top sneakers wearing friends, the resistance lives on in the spirit of both LAHAR and EXCORZPHOBIA who have decided to team for a split LP that will annihilate the non-believers in eight, joyful blasts! LAHAR, formed by two members of RADIOLOKATOR and recently expanded to a five piece, should need no introduction, having already released through DOOMENTIA one full-length and one EP. Their high-energized mix of crossover and in-your-face thrash has lost none of its fury and actually has gotten even more pissed off and brutal, as proven by those four new tracks, once again sang in their native tongue for additional rasp. In comparison, fairly newcomers EXORCIZPHOBIA may seem a first a tad more on the traditional side of things. But they know how to thrash, they know their Bay Area classics inside out and they'll hit like a brick those MUNCIPAL WASTE fans desperate for a new lease of life. And besides, what's the point to resist with such a declaration of intent like this killer artwork by the one and only Andrei Bouzikov? Say no to trends, say yes to REAL thrash and run for cover!

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Czech Republic | Thrash, Crossover/Hardcore
$10.99 - $17.99