CACHOT D'EFFROI "Cachot D'Effroi" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2023 - Raw Black Metal from France |
CADAVERIC FUMES "Dimensions Obscure" [12" MLP]2016 - Death Metal from France |
CADAVERIC FUMES "Echoing Chambers Of Soul" [12" LP]2021 - Death Metal from France |
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CADAVERIC INCUBATOR "Nightmare Necropolis" [12" LP]2020 - Death/Grindcore from Finland
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CADAVERIC INCUBATOR / UNDERGANG "Split" [7" EP]2022 - Death/Grindcore from Finland | Thrash/Crossover/Hardcore from Denmark |
CAECUS "Affliction" [7" EP, Red Vinyl]2016 - Black/Death Metal from United Kingdom |
CAECUS "Affliction" [7" EP]2015 - Black/Death Metal from United Kingdom |
CAEDES CRUENTA / CULT OF EIBON "The Wizard Of Yaddith / The Sleeper Of R'Lyeh" [7" EP]2018 - Black Metal from Greece | Black Metal from Greece |
CAINAN DAWN "Fohat" [12" LP]2017 - Black Metal from France |
CAIXAO "Knaga" [12" LP, Green Vinyl]2023 - Black Metal from Portugal |
CALADAN BROOD "Echoes Of Battle" [12" 2-LP, Light Blue/Pink Swirl Vinyl]2023 - Epic/Atmospheric Black Metal from United States |
CALES "Chants Of Steel" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2023 - Melodic Doom/Pagan/Folk from Czech Republic |
CAN BARDD "Nature Stays Silent" [12" LP, Blue/White Galaxy Vinyl, Gatefold]2023 - Epic/Atmospheric Folk/Black Metal from Switzerland |
CAN BARDD "The Last Rain" [12" 2-LP, Blue/Black/Green Splatter Vinyl, Gatefold]2023 - Epic/Atmospheric Folk/Black Metal from Switzerland |
CANCER "Shadow Gripped" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2019 - Death/Thrash from United Kingdom |
CANDLEMASS "Ashes To Ashes" [12" 2-LP, White/Splatter Vinyl, Gatefold]2018 - Epic Heavy/Doom from Sweden |
CANDLEMASS "Death Thy Lover" [12" 2-LP, Black Vinyl]2016 - Epic Heavy/Doom from Sweden |
CANDLEMASS "Lucifer Rising" [12" 2-LP, Clear/Splatter Vinyl, Gatefold]2018 - Epic Heavy/Doom from Sweden |
CANDLEMASS "The Door To Doom" [12" 2-LP, Black Vinyl, Gatefold]2019 - Epic Heavy/Doom from Sweden |
CANDLEMASS "The Pendulum" [12" MLP, Black Vinyl]2020 - Epic Heavy/Doom from Sweden |
CANNIBAL CORPSE "Chaos Horrific" [12" LP]2023 - Death Metal from United States
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CANNIBAL CORPSE "Gallery Of Suicide" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2018 - Death Metal from United States |
CAPILLA ARDIENTE "Where Gods Live And Men Die" [12" LP, Beer Colored Vinyl, Gatefold]2024 - Epic Doom from Chile |
CARCASS "Choice Cuts" [12" 2-LP, Gatefold]2004 - Goregrind/Grind, Melodic Death Metal from United Kingdom |
CARCASS "Heartwork" [12" LP]1993 - Goregrind/Grind, Melodic Death Metal from United Kingdom |
CARCASS "Swansong" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2022 - Goregrind/Grind, Melodic Death Metal from United Kingdom |
CARCINOID "Encomium To Extinction" [12" MLP, Black Vinyl]2023 - Doom/Death Metal from Australia |
CARDIAC ARREST "And Death Shall Set You Free" [12" LP] *MINOR DAMAGE*2014 - Death Metal from United States
CARDINALS FOLLY "Live By The Sword" [12" LP]2023 - Doom from Finland |
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CARNAL RUIN "Gnosis Of Immortal Domain" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2020 - Death Metal from United States |
CARONTE "Ghost Owl" [12" LP]Doom/Stoner from Italy |
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CARONTE "Yoni" [12" LP]2017 - Doom/Stoner from Italy |
CARPE TENEBRUM "Majestic Nothingness" [12" LP, Black Vinyl, Gatefold]2023 - Melodic/Symphonic Black/Death Metal from Norway |
CAST THE STONE "Empyrean Atrophy" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2018 - Death Metal from United States |
CATALEPTIC "The Tragedy" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2021 - Doom from Finland |
CATTLE DECAPITATION "Karma.Bloody.Karma" [12" LP, White Vinyl, Gatefold]2022 - Progressive Death/Grindcore from United States |
CATTLE DECAPITATION "To Serve Man" [12" LP, Clear Vinyl, Gatefold]2022 - Progressive Death/Grindcore from United States |
CAUCHEMAR "Rosa Mystica" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2022 - Heavy/Doom from Canada |
CAUSTIC "Malicious / Caustic" [12" 2-LP, Gatefold]1993 - Thrash from Switzerland |
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CAUSTIC PHLEGM "Purulent Apocalypse" [12" LP]2025 - Death Metal from United Kingdom
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CAUSTIC PHLEGM "Putrefying Flesh" [7" EP, Black Vinyl]2023 - Death Metal from United Kingdom
CELESTIA "Aetherra" [12" LP]2017 - Black Metal from France |
CELESTIA "Frigidiis Apotheosia : Abstiencia Genesiis" [12" 2-LP, Gatefold]Black Metal from France
CELESTIA "Retrospectra" [12" 2-LP, Gatefold]Black Metal from France |
CELESTIA / BLACK DRAUGWATH "Split 666" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2021 - Black Metal from France | Black Metal from Russia |
CELESTIAL GRAVE "Pvtrefactio" [7" EP]2017 - Black Metal from Finland |
CELTIC FROST "Into The Pandemonium" [12" LP, Gatefold]1987 - Thrash/Black (early), Gothic/Doom (now) from Switzerland |
CELTIC FROST "Morbid Tales!: A Tribute To Celtic Frost" [12" Flexi EP]2015 - Thrash/Black (early), Gothic/Doom (now) from Switzerland |
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CELTIC FROST "Only Demos Are Real" [12" LP, Splatter Vinyl]2023 - Thrash/Black (early), Gothic/Doom (now) from Switzerland |
CEMETERY LIGHTS "Consumption" [12" LP, Black Vinyl, Gatefold]2022 - Black Metal from United States |
CEMETERY LIGHTS "The Church On The Island" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2018 - Black Metal from United States |
CEMETERY LIGHTS "The Underworld" [12" LP]2019 - Black Metal from United States |
CEMETERY LIGHTS / PROPHETS OF DOOM "Split" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2022 - Black Metal from United States | Black/Death Metal from Spain |
CEMETERY LIGHTS / REGERE SINISTER "Split" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2021 - Black Metal from United States | Black Metal from Finland |
CENOTAFIO "Larvae Tedeum Teratos" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2019 - Black/Death Metal from Chile |
CENOTAPHE "La Larve Exulte" [12" LP]2019 - Black Metal from France |
CENTINEX "Doomsday Rituals" [12" LP]2016 - Death Metal from Sweden |
CENTINEX "Reborn Through Flames" [12" LP, Black Vinyl] *MINOR DAMAGE*2022 - Death Metal from Sweden |
CENTINEX "Redeeming Filth" [12" Silver LP]2014 - Death Metal from Sweden
CENTINEX "The Pestilence" [12" MLP]2022 - Death Metal from Sweden |
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CEREBRAL FIX "Disaster Of Reality" [12" LP]2016 - Crossover/Thrash from United Kingdom |
CEREMONIAL "Ars Magicka" [7" EP, Blue Vinyl]2014 - Black/Thrash from Chile |
CEREMONIAL "Ars Magicka" [7" EP]Black/Thrash from Chile |
CHAIN WOLF "Dark Premonitions" [12" LP, Silver Marbled Vinyl]2023 - Thrash/Crossover from United States |
CHAINBREAKER "Lethal Desire" [12" LP]2018 - Thrash/Speed from Canada
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CHAINED LACE "Morbid Fascination" [12" 2-LP, Gatefold]2024 - Doom from United States |
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CHAINS "Violet Wizard" [12" MLP]2015 - Death/Doom/Ambient from Slovenia |
CHAINSAW "Satan" [12" LP]2024 - Heavy/Speed from Poland |
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CHALICE "Silver Cloak" [7" EP]2019 - Heavy Metal from United States |
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CHALICE "Trembling Crown" [12" LP]2020 - Heavy Metal from United States |
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CHAMBER OF MIRRORS "Apocalyptic Dream" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2022 - Black Metal from United States |
CHAMBER OF MIRRORS "Moonlight Decay" [12" LP, Gold Vinyl]2023 - Black Metal from United States |
CHAOS ECHOES "A Voiceless Ritual" [12" LP, Clear Vinyl]2014 - Death/Doom from France |
CHAOS ECHOES "Duo Experience / Spectral Affinities" [12" LP, Clear Green Vinyl]2013 - Death/Doom from France
CHAOS ECHOES "Parisian Sessions / Rehearsal I" [12" LP, Blue Vinyl]2013 - Death/Doom from France |
CHAOS PATH "The Last Sign Of Eden / Dark Times" [12" LP +7" EP, Black Vinyl]2024 - Thrash/Black/Death Metal from Germany |
CHAOSBAPHOMET "Promethean Black Flame" [12" LP]2016 - Black Metal from Greece |
CHAPEL OF SAMHAIN "Black Onyx Cave" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2024 - Blackened Death Metal from Portugal |
CHARNEL ALTAR "Abatement Of The Sun" [12" LP]2022 - Death/Black/Doom from Australia |
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CHASTAIN "The Voice Of The Cult" [12" LP]2022 - Heavy Metal from United States
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CHESTBURSTER "Slime & Guilt" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2016 - Rock/Sludge from Finland |
CHILDREN OF TECHNOLOGY "Written Destiny" [12" LP]2020 - Thrash/Crossover from Italy |
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CHRISTIAN MISTRESS "Agony & Opium" [12" LP]Heavy Metal from United States |
CHRONOMANCY "Shadows In Atlantis" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2022 - Power from Greece |
CHURCH OF DISGUST "Weakest Is The Flesh" [12" LP]2021 - Death Metal from United States
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CIANIDE "Gods Of Death" [12" LP]2011 - Death, Death/Doom from United States
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CIANIDE "Hell's Rebirth" [12" LP]2005 - Death, Death/Doom from United States
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CIDESPHERE "Dawn Of A New Epoch" [12" LP, Grey Vinyl]2020 - Melodic Death Metal from Turkey |
CINTECELE DIAVOLUI "The Devil's Songs I: Dance Of The Dead" [12" MLP, Black Vinyl]2018 - Ambient/Darkwave from Norway |
CINTECELE DIAVOLUI "The Devil's Songs Ii: One Soul Less" [12" MLP, Black Vinyl]2020 - Ambient/Darkwave from Norway |
CIRITH UNGOL "Dark Parade" [12" LP, Grey/Black Marbled Vinyl, Gatefold]2023 - Heavy/Doom from United States |
CIRITH UNGOL "Frost And Fire 40Th Anniversary Edition" [12" 2-LP, Gatefold]2021 - Heavy/Doom from United States |
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CLAIRVOYANCE "Threshold Of Nothingness" [12" MLP]2022 - Death Metal from Poland |
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CLANDESTINE BLAZE "Resacralize The Unknown" [12" LP]2023 - Black Metal from Finland |
CLAYMOREAN "Eulogy Of The Gods" [LP, Black]2022 - Epic Power from Serbia |
CLOAK OF ALTERING "Sheathed Swords Drip With Poisonous Honey" [12" LP, Black/Red/Orange/White Splatter Vinyl]2023 - Avant-garde Black Metal from Netherlands |
CLOVEN HOOF "The Definitive Part Two" [12" LP]2018 - NWOBHM (early), Heavy/Power (later) from United Kingdom |
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CLUTCH "Impetus" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2023 - Rock from United States |
COBRA "The Eclipse" [7" EP]2018 - Heavy Metal from Peru |
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COBRAKILL "Cobrator" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2021 - Heavy/Hard Rock from Germany |