SAVAGE MASTER - Those Who Hunt At Night BULLDOZER - The Final Separation
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AOSOTH / ORDER OF ORIAS "Split" [12" LP, Gatefold]2015 - Black Metal from France | Black Metal from Australia

BARSHASKETH / OUTRE "Sein / Zeit" [12" LP, Grey Marbled Vinyl]2017 - Black Metal from New Zealand | Black Metal from Poland

DISSIMULATION / OBTEST "77" [12" MLP]2015 - Thrash/Black Metal from Lithuania | Pagan/Black Metal from Lithuania

DRUADAN FOREST / OLD SORCERY "Split" [12" LP]2021 - Epic Black/Ambient from Finland | Dungeon Synth from Finland
Price $19.99

FLAGELLANT / ORCIVUS "Split" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2019 - Black Metal from Sweden | Black Metal from Sweden

OBITUARY - Dying Of Everything
OBITUARY "Dying Of Everything" [12" LP, Gold Vinyl, Gatefold]2023 - Death Metal from United States

OBITUARY - Dying Of Everything
OBITUARY "Dying Of Everything" [12" LP, Orange Crush Vinyl, Gatefold]2023 - Death Metal from United States

OBITUARY - Inked In Blood
OBITUARY "Inked In Blood" [12" 2-LP, Blood Red Cloudy Vinyl, Gatefold]2014 - Death Metal from United States

OBITUARY - Slowly We Rot: Live And Rotting
OBITUARY "Slowly We Rot: Live And Rotting" [12" LP, Silver Vinyl]2022 - Death Metal from United States

OBITUARY - Ten Thousand Ways To Die
OBITUARY "Ten Thousand Ways To Die" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2018 - Death Metal from United States

OBLIVEON - Carnivore Mothermouth
OBLIVEON "Carnivore Mothermouth" [12" LP]2024 - Technical Death/Thrash from Canada
Price $23.99

OBRERO - Mortui Vivos Docent
OBRERO "Mortui Vivos Docent" [12" LP]2013 - Doom/Stoner from Sweden

OBSCENE - From Dead Horizon...To Dead Horizon
OBSCENE "From Dead Horizon...To Dead Horizon" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2022 - Death Metal from United States

OBSESSOR - Black Magic Rites
OBSESSOR "Black Magic Rites" [7" EP]Thrash/Crossover/Punk from United States

OBSIDIAN SEA - Dreams Illusions Obsessions
OBSIDIAN SEA "Dreams Illusions Obsessions" [12" LP, Black Vinyl, Gatefold]2015 - Doom from Bulgaria

OCCLITH - Gates, Doorways, And Endings
OCCLITH "Gates, Doorways, And Endings" [12" LP]2020 - Black/Doom/Sludge from United States
Price $20.99

OCCULT - 1992-1993
OCCULT "1992-1993" [12" LP]2016 - Black/Thrash from Netherlands

OCCULT 45 / DRONES FOR QUEENS "Split" [7" EP]2013 - Grindcore from United States | Hardcore/Grind from United States

OCEAN CHIEF - Universums Hard
OCEAN CHIEF "Universums Hard" [12" LP]Stoner/Doom Metal from Sweden

OCTOBER TIDE - In Splendor Below
OCTOBER TIDE "In Splendor Below" [12" LP, Black Vinyl, Gatefold]2019 - Doom/Death Metal from Sweden

OCTOBER TIDE - The Cancer Pledge
OCTOBER TIDE "The Cancer Pledge" [12" LP]2023 - Doom/Death Metal from Sweden
Price $21.99

OCTOBER TIDE - Winged Waltz
OCTOBER TIDE "Winged Waltz" [12" LP, Gatefold]2016 - Doom/Death Metal from Sweden

OFERMOD - Mysterion Tes Anomias
OFERMOD "Mysterion Tes Anomias" [12" MLP, Black Vinyl]2013 - Orthodox Black Metal from Sweden

OGRE - Thrice As Strong
OGRE "Thrice As Strong" [12" LP, Gatefold]2019 - Doom/Hard Rock from United States

OHURA-MAZDO - The Incarnation Of Sathanas
OHURA-MAZDO "The Incarnation Of Sathanas" [12" MLP, Black Vinyl]2020 - Black/Doom from Japan

OKSENNUS - Sokea Idiootti
OKSENNUS "Sokea Idiootti" [12" LP]2017 - Death Metal from Finland

OLD BLOOD - Midnight Climax
OLD BLOOD "Midnight Climax" [12" LP, Clear Green Vinyl]2024 - Doom/Stoner from United States

OLD CASTLES / WINTERSTORM - Everlasting Black Arts In Supreme Darkness
OLD CASTLES / WINTERSTORM "Everlasting Black Arts In Supreme Darkness" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2022 - Raw Black/Dungeon Synth from Chile | Black Metal from International

OLD FASHION ASSASSIN "Tides Of Failure" [12" LP, Tan/Black/Yellow Marbled Vinyl]2021 - Stoner/Rock from United States

OLD FOREST - Graveside
OLD FOREST "Graveside" [12" LP]2024 - Black Metal from United Kingdom
Price $20.99

OLD FOREST - Into The Old Forest
OLD FOREST "Into The Old Forest" [12" LP]2024 - Black Metal from United Kingdom

OLD MAN'S CHILD - Slaves Of The World
OLD MAN'S CHILD "Slaves Of The World" [12" LP, Clear/Red/Green Splatter Vinyl]2023 - Melodic Black Metal from Norway

OLD MAN'S CHILD - Slaves Of The World
OLD MAN'S CHILD "Slaves Of The World" [12" LP]2009 - Melodic Black Metal from Norway
Price $18.99 - $26.99

OLD MOTHER HELL - Lord Of Demise
OLD MOTHER HELL "Lord Of Demise" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2020 - Epic Doom/Heavy Metal from Germany

OLD TOWER - The Old King Of Witches
OLD TOWER "The Old King Of Witches" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2020 - Dungeon Synth from Netherlands

OLDE - The Gates Of Dawn
OLDE "The Gates Of Dawn" [12" LP]Black Metal from International

OMISSION - Disciples Of Ravens Vengeance
OMISSION "Disciples Of Ravens Vengeance" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2023 - Thrash from Spain

ONDSKAPT - Arisen From The Ashes
ONDSKAPT "Arisen From The Ashes" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2020 - Black Metal from Sweden

ONDSKAPT - Arisen From The Ashes
ONDSKAPT "Arisen From The Ashes" [12" LP, Gold Vinyl]2020 - Black Metal from Sweden

ONDSKAPT - Draco Sit Mihi Dux
ONDSKAPT "Draco Sit Mihi Dux" [12" 2-LP, Gold Vinyl, Gatefold]2020 - Black Metal from Sweden

ONDSKAPT - Slave Under His Immortal Will
ONDSKAPT "Slave Under His Immortal Will" [12" MLP]2020 - Black Metal from Sweden
Price $15.99 - $21.99

ONE MASTER - Lycanthropic Burrowing
ONE MASTER "Lycanthropic Burrowing" [12" LP, Gatefold]2017 - Black Metal from United States

ONIRIK - Casket Dream Veneration
ONIRIK "Casket Dream Veneration" [12" LP]2015 - Black Metal from Portugal

ONSLAUGHT "The Force" [12" LP]1986 - Thrash from United Kingdom
Price $20.99 - $24.99

ONSLAUGHT "The Force" [12" Picture LP]2023 - Thrash from United Kingdom

OPERA IX - Strix Maledictae In Aeternum
OPERA IX "Strix Maledictae In Aeternum" [12" 2-LP]Gothic/Doom/Death (early), Melodic Black Metal from Italy

OPPROBRIUM - Discerning Forces
OPPROBRIUM "Discerning Forces" [12" LP, Purple Vinyl]2020 - Death/Thrash from United States

OPPROBRIUM - Serpent Temptation
OPPROBRIUM "Serpent Temptation" [12" LP, Red Vinyl]1986 - Death/Thrash from United States

OPPROBRIUM - Serpent Temptation: The Alternate Version 1996
OPPROBRIUM "Serpent Temptation: The Alternate Version 1996" [12" LP]2023 - Death/Thrash from United States
Price $17.99 - $18.99

OPUS MAGORUM - Opus Magorum
OPUS MAGORUM "Opus Magorum" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2022 - Black Metal from Greece

ORANSSI PAZUZU - Muukalainen Puhuu
ORANSSI PAZUZU "Muukalainen Puhuu" [12" LP, Black Vinyl, Gatefold]2017 - Psychedelic Black Metal from Finland

ORDER FROM CHAOS - An Ending In Fire
ORDER FROM CHAOS "An Ending In Fire" [12" LP, Black Vinyl, Gatefold]2023 - Black/Death Metal from United States

ORDER FROM CHAOS "Dawn Bringer" [12" LP, Black Vinyl, Gatefold]2023 - Black/Death Metal from United States

ORDER FROM CHAOS - Stillbirth Machine
ORDER FROM CHAOS "Stillbirth Machine" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]1993 - Black/Death Metal from United States

ORDER OF ORIAS "Ablaze" [12" LP, Black Vinyl, Gatefold]2020 - Black Metal from Australia

ORDO AD CHAO - Fear The Invisible
ORDO AD CHAO "Fear The Invisible" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2020 - Blackened Death Metal from Russia

ORFEUS - Lying To The Wall
ORFEUS "Lying To The Wall" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2019 - Southern Rock from United States

ORGAN - Organ
ORGAN "Organ" [7" EP]Experimental Post-Black Metal from Norway

ORGAN DEALER - The Weight Of Being
ORGAN DEALER "The Weight Of Being" [12" LP, Blue/Purple Merge/White Splatter Vinyl]2023 - Grindcore from United States

ORGANIC - Carved In Flesh
ORGANIC "Carved In Flesh" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2018 - Death Metal from Italy

ORGASM 666 - Blood Vagina Angel
ORGASM 666 "Blood Vagina Angel" [12" LP]2023 - Black Metal from Japan

ORGREL - Red Dragon's Invocation
ORGREL "Red Dragon's Invocation" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2020 - Black Metal from Italy

ORIGIN - Abiogenesis: A Coming Into Existence
ORIGIN "Abiogenesis: A Coming Into Existence" [12" LP]2019 - Technical Brutal Death Metal from United States
Price $18.99 - $19.99

ORIGIN - Chaosmos
ORIGIN "Chaosmos" [12" LP, Gatefold]2022 - Technical Brutal Death Metal from United States
Price $19.99 - $22.99

ORIGIN - Unparalleled Universe
ORIGIN "Unparalleled Universe" [12" LP, Gatefold]2017 - Technical Brutal Death Metal from United States
Price $19.99 - $21.99

ORIGIN - Unparalleled Universe
ORIGIN "Unparalleled Universe" [12" Picture LP, Gatefold]2017 - Technical Brutal Death Metal from United States

ORIGINAL SIN - Sin Will Find You Out
ORIGINAL SIN "Sin Will Find You Out" [12" LP, Silver Vinyl]2023 - Speed/Power from United States

ORNATORPET - Hymner Fran Snokulla
ORNATORPET "Hymner Fran Snokulla" [12" LP, Blue Vinyl]2019 - Ambient/Folk from Sweden

ORODRUIN - Ruins Of Eternity
ORODRUIN "Ruins Of Eternity" [12" LP]2019 - Doom from United States

ORPHANED LAND - Orphaned Lands & Friends 25Th Anniversary
ORPHANED LAND "Orphaned Lands & Friends 25Th Anniversary" [7" EP Box Set]2017 - Doom/Death/Middle Eastern Folk from Israel

ORTHODOX - Matse Avatar
ORTHODOX "Matse Avatar" [7" EP, Gatefold]Doom Metal from Spain

OSSA CORONATA - To Leave The Body
OSSA CORONATA "To Leave The Body" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2021 - Dungeon Synth from International

OSSEMENTS "II" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2021 - Experimental Black Metal from Canada

OSSEMENTS "III" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2021 - Experimental Black Metal from Canada

OSSEMENTS "Iv" [12" LP]2023 - Experimental Black Metal from Canada

OSSUAIRE - Derniers Chants
OSSUAIRE "Derniers Chants" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2019 - Death Metal from France

OSSUAIRE - Premiers Chants
OSSUAIRE "Premiers Chants" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2019 - Death Metal from France

OSSUARY INSANE - Part Ii: Demonize The Flesh
OSSUARY INSANE "Part Ii: Demonize The Flesh" [12" LP, White Vinyl]2015 - Death Metal from United States

OUR SURVIVAL DEPENDS ON US - Melting The Ice In The Hearts Of Men
OUR SURVIVAL DEPENDS ON US "Melting The Ice In The Hearts Of Men" [12" LP, Gatefold]2019 - Sludge/Doom from Austria

OUTRAGE - The Book Of The Seven Seals
OUTRAGE "The Book Of The Seven Seals" [12" 2-LP, Black Vinyl]2023 - Blackened Thrash from Germany

OUTSIDERS - Cq Mythology
OUTSIDERS "Cq Mythology" [12" 2-LP, Black Vinyl, Gatefold]2019 - Garage Rock from Netherlands

OVERKILL - Atlantic Albums
OVERKILL "Atlantic Albums" [12" LP Box Set]2021 - Thrash from United States

OVERKILL - Feel The Fire Tour : Live At First Ave Minneapolis Mn Usa, 16 Nov. 1986
OVERKILL "Feel The Fire Tour : Live At First Ave Minneapolis Mn Usa, 16 Nov. 1986" [12" LP]2024 - Thrash from United States
Price $30.99

OVERKILL - I Hear Black
OVERKILL "I Hear Black" [12" LP, Orange Marbled Vinyl]2021 - Thrash from United States

OVERKILL - Overkill
OVERKILL "Overkill" [12" LP]2024 - Thrash from United States
Price $34.99

OVERKILL "W.F.O." [12" LP, Clear/Black Marbled Vinyl]2021 - Thrash from United States

OXBLOOD - Oi! Nyc Skins
OXBLOOD "Oi! Nyc Skins" [12" LP +Zine, Black Vinyl]2024 - Hardcore/Punk from United States

OXBLOOD - Under The Boot + More Violence!
OXBLOOD "Under The Boot + More Violence!" [12" LP +Zine]2024 - Hardcore/Punk from United States

OXBLOOD - We Came, We Saw, We Conquered
OXBLOOD "We Came, We Saw, We Conquered" [7" EP]2024 - Hardcore/Punk from United States

OZ KNOZZ - Ruff Mix
OZ KNOZZ "Ruff Mix" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2019 - Progressive Rock from United States

SNAKEPIT MAGAZINE - Issue #21 W/ Oblivion ?Quest For Power?
SNAKEPIT ZINE "Issue #21 +Oblivion "Quest For Power" [Magazine +7" EP]

THE ORDER OF APOLLYON "Moriah" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2018 - Black/Death Metal from France

THE ORDER OF APOLLYON / TEMPLE OF BAAL / VI "Split" [12" LP]2017 - Black/Death Metal from France | Black Metal from France

THE OTHER SUN - Daimon, Devil, Dawn
THE OTHER SUN "Daimon, Devil, Dawn" [12" LP]2024 - Rock from Sweden

THRONEUM / OFFENCE "No Salvation" [7" EP]2012 - Blackened Death Metal from Poland | Death Metal from Poland
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