AGATHOCLES / WRAAK "When All Is Lost" [MCD, Digipak]2021 - Grind from Belgium | Thrash from Netherlands |
CHAINSAW SLAUGHTER "The Monks Of The Black Circle" [CD]2023 - Symphonic Doom/Heavy/Ambient from Russia |
COUGH / WINDHAND "Reflection Of The Negative" [CD]Sludge/Stoner/Doom Metal from United States |
FREEZING BLOOD / WIDMO / THE SONS OF PERDITION "Desecration Rituals" [CD]2014 - Black Metal from Poland | Black Metal from Poland |
NAILGUNNER / WOUNDS "Thermonuklear Thrash Metal Warfare" [CD]Thrash from Finland |
OLD CASTLES / WINTERSTORM "Everlasting Black Arts In Supreme Darkness" [CD]2022 - Raw Black/Dungeon Synth from Chile | Black Metal from International |
OPHICVS / WHIPSTRIKER "Satanic Metal Army" [CD]2015 - Black/Heavy Metal from United States | Heavy Metal from Brazil |
POLLUTED INHERITANCE / ORPHANAGE / WITHIN TEMPTATION "Dsfa Book Seven" [CD]1998 - Death Metal from Netherlands | Melodic Death/Gothic from Netherlands
SICK SEED / WILL OVER MATTER "Ss Wom" [CD]2017 - Experimental/Noise from Finland | Industrial from Finland |
THE WANDERING MIDGET "From The Meadows Of Opium Dreams" [CDDoom Metal from Finland |
THE WANDERING MIDGET "From The Meadows Of Opium Dreams" [CD, Digipak]Doom Metal from Finland |
THE WANDERING MIDGET "I Am The Gate" [CD]Doom Metal from Finland |
THE WANDERING MIDGET "The Serpent Coven" [CD]Doom Metal from Finland |
THE WATCHER "Out Of The Dark" [CD]2024 - Heavy/Doom from United States |
THE WAY IN "Dirty (The Early Years)" [CD]2014 - Hard Rock from United States |
THE WAY IN "Live In The Passion Zone" [CD]2014 - Hard Rock from United States |
THE WELL "Death And Consolation" [CD, Digipak]2019 - Doom/Psychedelic from United States |
THE WELL "Pagan Science" [CD, Digipak]2016 - Doom/Psychedelic from United States |
THE WELL "Samsara" [CD, Digipak]2014 - Doom/Psychedelic from United States |
THE WILDE FLOWERS "Wilde Flowers" [CD]1967 - Progressive Rock from United Kingdom |
THE WIZAR'D "Ancient Tome Of Arcane Knowledge" [CD]Doom Metal from Australia |
THE WIZAR'D "Pathways Into Darkness" [CD]Doom Metal from Australia |
THE WIZAR'D "Subterranean Exile" [CD]2020 - Doom from Australia |
THE WIZARDS "Full Moon In Scorpio" [CD]2017 - Hard Rock from Spain |
THE WIZARDS "The Wizards" [CD, Slipcase]2015 - Hard Rock from Spain |
W.A.I.L. "Wisdom Through Agony Into Illumination And Lunacy Vol. II" [CD, A5 Size, Digipak]2018 - Doom/Black/Death Metal from Finland |
W.A.S.P. "The Last Command" [CD]1985 - Traditional Heavy/Hard Rock from United States |
WAKBOTH "Pohjolan Ydintalvi" [CD, - Jewel Case]2024 - Black/Thrash from Finland |
WALDSCHRAT "Metropolis Wird Fallen" [CD, Digipak]2016 - Black/Neofolk from Austria |
WALDSCHRAT "Nostalgie.Resonanz" [CD, Digipak]2013 - Black/Neofolk from Austria |
WALL OF SLEEP "...And Hell Followed With Him" [CD]Doom/Stoner from Hungary |
WALLY GONZALEZ "On The Road" [CD]1978 - Psychedelic Rock from United Kingdom |
WALLY GONZALEZ "Tunog Pinoy" [CD]1977 - Psychedelic Rock from United Kingdom |
WAMPYRINACHT "We Will Be Watching" [CD, Digipak]2024 - Black Metal from Greece |
WAN "Wolves Of The North" [CD]Black Metal from Sweden |
WANDERER OF THE WASTE "Bleak Horizons" [CD]2016 - Progressive Black/Death/Thrash from United States |
WANDERER OF THE WASTE "Voyage Through Obscurity" [MCD]2018 - Progressive Black/Death/Thrash from United States |
WANTED "Over The Top" [CD]2019 - Hard Rock from United States |
WAR ATROCITIES "Necromantical Legions" [MCD]2015 - Black/Thrash/Speed from Croatia |
WAR CURSE "Eradication" [CD]2019 - Thrash from United States |
WAR INJUN "Tribal Eulogy" [CD]Doom Metal from United States |
WAR POSSESSION "Doomed To Chaos" [CD]2017 - Death Metal from Greece |
WARDENCLYFFE "Control All Delete" [CD, Digipak]2015 - Doom/Death Metal from Sweden |
WARFARE "Phallvschipher" [CD]2021 - Black/Thrash from Mexico
WARFARE D.C. "Reflection" [CD]2023 - Thrash from United States |
WARFARE NOISE "Eternal Supremacy Of The Tyrant" [CD]2021 - Black/Death/Noise from Finland |
WARFIELD "Wrecking Command" [CD]2018 - Thrash Metal from Germany
WARFUCK "This Was Supposed To Be Fun" [CD]2018 - Grindcore from France |
WARGOAT / BLACK CEREMONIAL KULT "Unapproachable Laws Of The Abyss" [CD]2019 - Black Metal from Greece | Death/Black Metal from Chile |
WARGOATCULT "Phasmatis Interregnum" [CD, Digipak]2017 - Black Metal from Spain |
WARGOATCULT "Plvs Vltra" [CD]2021 - Black Metal from Spain |
WARGOATCULT "The Law Of Kalashnikov" [CD, Digipak]2016 - Black Metal from Spain |
WARGOATCULT "The Wargonaut" [CD]2015 - Black Metal from Spain |
WARHAWK "Warhawk" [CD]2022 - Heavy/Speed from Italy |
WARHEAD "Explosive Rock" [CD]2019 - Death Metal from United States |
WARHORDE "Death Rattle" [CD]Black/Thrash from United States |
WARHORDE "Kiss The Goat" [CD]Black/Thrash from United States |
WARHORDE "Satanic Lust" [CD]Black/Thrash from United States |
WARHORDE / LORD ALFRED SPLIT "" [CD]2024 - Black/Thrash from United States |
WARLORD "And The Cannons Of Destruction Have Begun" [2-CD, Slipcase]1985 - Doom from United Kingdom |
WARLORD UK "We Die As One" [CD]Thrash/Death Metal from United Kingdom |
WARMOON LORD "Battlespells" [CD, Digipak]2021 - Black Metal from Finland |
WARMOON LORD "Burning Banners Of The Funereal War" [CD, Digipak]2023 - Black Metal from Finland
WARMOON LORD / VULTYRIUM "Split" [CD, Digipak]2023 - Black Metal from Finland | Black Metal from Finland
WAROATH "Infernal Tortures Blades" [CD]2020 - Thrash/Speed/Black Metal from Poland |
WAROATH / CZARNA TRUMNA / CTHULHU RITES "Black Oath Rites" [CD]2018 - Thrash/Speed/Black Metal from Poland | Black Metal from Poland
WAROATH / FULGURITUS "Nekrosferyczne Konjuracje" [CD]2024 - Thrash/Speed/Black Metal from Poland | Black Metal from Poland |
WARRIOR PATH "The Mad King" [CD]2021 - Heavy/Power from Greece |
WARRIOR PATH "Warrior Path" [CD]2019 - Heavy/Power from Greece |
WARSLAUGHTER "Autocombustion" [CD]2024 - Black/Death Metal from Spain |
WARSLAUGHTER "Autophagia" [CD, Digipak]2022 - Black/Death Metal from Spain |
WARSLAUGHTER "Practicas Antropofagicas" [CD]2022 - Black/Death Metal from Spain |
WARTIME "Volumen I" [CD]2017 - Doom from Colombia |
WASTELANDER "Wardrive" [CD]Black/Thrash/Crust from United States
WATAIN "Casus Luciferi" [CD]Black Metal from Sweden
WATAIN "Lawless Darkness" [CD]Black Metal from Sweden |
WATAIN "Rabid Death's Curse" [CD, Digipak]Black Metal from Sweden
WATAIN "Sworn To The Dark" [CD]Black Metal from Sweden
WATAIN "The Wild Hunt" [CD]Black Metal from Sweden |
WATAIN "The Wild Hunt" [CD]2013 - Black Metal from Sweden |
WAXEN "Agios Holokauston" [CD]2023 - Black Metal from United States |
WAXEN "Blasphemer In Celestial Courts" [CD]2019 - Black Metal from United States |
WAXEN "Die Macht Von Hassen" [CD]2023 - Black Metal from United States |
WAXEN "Terror Decree +Bonus" [CD]2023 - Black Metal from United States |
WAXEN "Weihung Auf Satan" [CD]2016 - Black Metal from United States |
WEAPON "From The Devil's Tomb" [CD, Digipak]Death/Black Metal from Canada |
WEAPONS "Reflection Of A Troubled Mind" [CD]Thrash from United States |
WEAPONS OF GOD "Weapons Of God" [CD]2019 - Heavy/Hard Rock from United States |
WEAPONS TO HUNT "Blessed In Sin" [CD]Netherlands |
WEEPING SLIME "Tormented Mind" [CD]2023 - Doom/Death Metal from United States |
WEH "En Natt Kom Doed" [CD]Neofolk from Norway |
WEHRMACHT "Biermacht" [CD, Slipcase]2021 - Crossover/Thrash from United States |
WEIRD LIGHT "Doomicvs Vobiscvm" [CD]2016 - Doom from France
WENDE "The Third And The Noble" [CD]2015 - Atmospheric Black Metal from United States |
WERENDIA "Urheimat" [CD]2021 - Ambient/Atmospheric/Black Metal from Sweden |
WERENDIA "Werendia" [CD]2020 - Ambient/Atmospheric/Black Metal from Sweden |
WERESQUATCH "The Maddening Memoirs" [CD]2019 - Thrash from United States |
WEREWOLF "The Temple Of Fullmoon" [CD]2005 - Black/Pagan from Poland |
WESTING "Future" [CD, Digipak]2023 - Rock from United States |
WHALESONG "Leaving A Dream" [2-CD, Digipak]2023 - Industrial from Poland |