BARATHRUM / WROK "Disciples Of Filth" [7" EP, Black Vinyl]2019 - Black/Doom from Finland | Black Metal from Netherlands |
COUGH / WINDHAND "Reflection Of The Negative" [12" LP, Grey Vinyl]Sludge/Stoner/Doom Metal from United States |
DRUDKH / WINTERFYLLETH "Thousands Of Moons Ago / The Gates" [12" LP]2023 - Funeral Doom from Australia |
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HANDS OF ORLAC / THE WANDERING MIDGET "Split" [12" LP]2017 - Doom from Italy | Doom from Finland |
OLD CASTLES / WINTERSTORM "Everlasting Black Arts In Supreme Darkness" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2022 - Raw Black/Dungeon Synth from Chile | Black Metal from International |
PERVERTED CEREMONY / WITCHCRAFT "Nighermancie / Black Candle Invoker" [12" LP]2019 - Black/Death Metal from Belgium | Black Metal from Sweden |
PYOVELI / WOUNDS "Storming Thrash Vengeance" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2021 - Thrash/Speed from Finland | Death/Thrash from Finland |
SIGH / SABBAT / WORM "Far East Gate In Inferno" [12" 2-LP]2019 - Black (early), Post-Black/Avant-Garde (now) from Japan | Black/Thrash from Japan
SOCIAL CHAOS / WOJCZECH "Split" [7" EP]2022 - Grindcore/Crust/Punk from Brazil | Death/Grind from Germany |
SZARLEM / WOLFSPIRIT "Split" [7" EP]2015 - Black Metal from Germany | Black Metal from Germany |
TAAKE / WHOREDOM RIFE "Pakt" [10" MLP, Gatefold]2020 - Black Metal from Norway | Black Metal from Norway |
THE WAMPYRIC SPECTER / WROK "Excrement Terrorism On The Holy Trinity" [7" EP]2019 - Black Metal from Netherlands | Black Metal from Netherlands |
THE WATCHER "Out Of The Dark" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2024 - Heavy/Doom from United States |
THE WELL "Death And Consolation" [12" LP, Silver/Red Melt Vinyl]2019 - Doom/Psychedelic from United States |
THE WELL "Death And Consolation" [12" LP]2024 - Doom/Psychedelic from United States |
THE WELL "Pagan Science" [12" LP, Colored Vinyl]2016 - Doom/Psychedelic from United States |
THE WIZAR'D "Pathways Into Darkness" [12" LP]Doom Metal from Australia |
W.A.I.L. "Wisdom Through Agony Into Illumination And Lunacy Vol. II" [12" 2-LP]2018 - Doom/Black/Death Metal from Finland |
W.B.I. "Storm From The Baltic Sea 1987-1991" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2023 - Grindcore from Germany |
WAKAS "Metal De Los Dioses" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2016 - Heavy Metal from Peru |
WALPURGIS NIGHT "Midnight Wanderer" [12" LP]Heavy Metal from Italy |
WAMPYRIC RITES "Summoning The Beasts In The Night Of Lycanthropic Moon" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2024 - Raw Black Metal from Ecuador |
WAMPYRINACHT "We Will Be Watching" [12" LP]2024 - Black Metal from Greece
WAR ATROCITIES / WHIPSTRIKER "Struck By Warwhip" [7" EP]2016 - Black/Thrash/Speed from Croatia | Heavy Metal from Brazil |
WAR CURSE "Eradication" [12" LP, Gatefold]2019 - Thrash from United States |
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WARDOGS "It's Time To Fight!" [12" LP +Poster, Black Vinyl]2020 - Hardcore from Italy |
WARGOAT "Genesis Of Epiklesis" [12" LP] *MINOR DAMAGE*2015 - Black Metal from Greece |
WARLOGHE "Three Angled Void" [12" LP]2022 - Black Metal from Finland |
WARLORD "And The Cannons Of Destruction Have Begun" [12" LP]2024 - Doom from United Kingdom |
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WARLORD "Conquerors" [7" EP, Purple Vinyl]2023 - Doom from United Kingdom |
WARLORD "Lost And Lonely Days / Aliens" [12" SHAPED PICTURE DISC]2024 - Doom from United Kingdom |
WARLORD UK "We Die As One" [12" LP, Black Ice Splatter Vinyl]2014 - Thrash/Death Metal from United Kingdom |
WARLUST "Unearthing Shattered Philosophies" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2020 - Black Metal from Netherlands |
WARNING "The Demo Tapes" [12" Red LP, Gatefold]Funeral Doom Metal from United Kingdom
WARNING "The Demo" [12" LP, Red Vinyl, Gatefold]2021 - Funeral Doom from United Kingdom |
WARPATH "Massive" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2020 - Thrash from Chile |
WARSENAL "Feast Your Eyes" [12" LP]2019 - Thrash/Speed from Canada |
WARWOUND "A Huge Black Cloud" [12" LP, Clear Vinyl, Gatefold]2021 - Hardcore Punk/Thrash from United Kingdom |
WATCHMAN "Doom Of Babylon" [12" LP, Green Marbled Vinyl]2021 - Psychedelic/Stoner from United States |
WEAPON "From The Devil's Tomb" [12" 2-LP, Gatefold]2010 - Death/Black Metal from Canada |
WEAPONRY "Everwinding Slaughter" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2022 - Death/Crust from International |
WEHRMACHT "Biermacht" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2021 - Crossover/Thrash from United States |
WEHRMACHT "Shark Attack" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2021 - Crossover/Thrash from United States |
WESTFALEN "Westfalen" [12" LP, Marbled Vinyl]2022 - Heavy Metal from Belgium |
WESTING "Future" [12" LP, Green Splatter Vinyl]2023 - Rock from United States |
WHEEL "Preserved In Time" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2021 - Doom/Death Metal from Germany |
WHIPLASH "Messages In Blood" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2022 - Speed/Thrash from United States |
WHIPSTRIKER "Cry Of Extinction" [12" LP]2024 - Heavy Metal from Brazil
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WHIPSTRIKER "Seven Inches Of Hell" [12" 2-LP, Gatefold]2014 - Heavy Metal from Brazil |
WHIPSTRIKER / BUNKER 66 "Four Deadly Rites" [7" EP, Black Vinyl]2019 - Heavy Metal from Brazil | Blackened Thrash from Italy |
WHIPSTRIKER / TERRORHAMMER / VULCAN TYRANT "Split" [7" EP, Black Vinyl]2022 - Heavy Metal from Brazil | Speed/Thrash from Serbia
WHIRLWIND "1714" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2022 - Heavy Metal from Spain |
WHITE DEATH "Iconoclast" [12" LP]2023 - Black Metal from Finland
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WHITE HILLS / DER BLUTHARSCH AND THE INFINITE CHURCH OF THE LEADING HAND "Desire" [12" LP]2018 - Psychedelic Rock from United States | Martial Industrial from Austria |
WHITE LIGHTNING "Thunderbolts Of Fuzz" [12" LP]2022 - Heavy Metal from United States |
WHITE MAGICIAN / THE GREAT KAISERS "The Great Kaiser's White Magician / Prelude To Ruin Split" [10" MLP]2019 - Heavy Metal from United States |
WHITE MANTIS "Sacrifice Your Future" [12" LP, Gatefold]2020 - Thrash from Germany |
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WILSON MCKINLEY "Heaven's Gonna Be A Blast!" [12" LP]1973 - Rock from United States |
WILSON MCKINLEY "Spirit Of Elijah" [12" LP]2011 - Rock from United States |
WINDSWEPT "Der Eine, Wahre Konig" [12" LP]2024 - Black Metal from Ukraine |
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WINTER DELUGE "Degradation Renewal" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2024 - Black Metal from New Zealand |
WINTER ETERNAL "Echoes Of Primordial Gnosis" [12" LP]2024 - Symphonic Gothic from Greece
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WINTER ETERNAL "Realm Of The Bleeding Shadows" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2019 - Symphonic Gothic from Greece |
WINTERHAWK "Dog Soldier" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2021 - Hard Rock from United States |
WINTERHAWK "Electric Warriors" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2021 - Hard Rock from United States |
WINTERHAWK "There And Back Again" [12" 2-LP, Black Vinyl, Gatefold]2024 - Hard Rock from United States |
WISHBONE ASH "40Th Anniversary Concert: Live In London" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2009 - Rock from United Kingdom |
WISHBONE ASH "Elegant Stealth" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2012 - Rock from United Kingdom |
WISHBONE ASH "Live In Hamburg" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2007 - Rock from United Kingdom |
WITCH CROSS "Angel Of Death" [12" LP]2021 - Heavy Metal from Denmark
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WITCH CROSS "Axe To Grind" [12" LP]2023 - Heavy Metal from Denmark |
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WITCH CROSS "Fighting Back: The Studio Anthology 1983-1985" [12" LP]2019 - Heavy Metal from Denmark |
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WITCHCRAFT "Bestial Vociferation" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2024 - Black Metal from Sweden |
WITCHCRAFT "Nucleus" [12" 2-LP, Gatefold]2023 - Black Metal from Sweden |
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WITCHCRAFT / ASKE "Dead Christ Prayer" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2020 - Black Metal from Sweden | Black Metal from Finland |
WITCHFYNDE "Lords Of Sin" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2020 - NWOBHM from United Kingdom |
WITCHMASTER "Kazn" [12" LP, Gatefold]2022 - Black/Thrash from Poland |
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WITCHNIGHT "Unholy Speed Metal" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2017 - Speed/Black Metal from Argentina |
WITCHRIST "The Grand Tormentor" [12" 2-LP, Red Vinyl, Gatefold]2020 - Black/Death/Doom from New Zealand |
WITCHTRAP "Hungry As The Beast" [12" LP, Gatefold]2024 - Black/Thrash from Colombia
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WITTE WIEVEN "Silhouettes Of An Imprisoned Mind" [12" MLP]2016 - Atmospheric Black Metal from Netherlands |
WODE "Burn In Many Mirrors" [12" LP]2021 - Black Metal from United Kingdom |
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WODE "Wode" [12" LP, Green/Black Vinyl]2022 - Black Metal from United Kingdom |
WOLFENBURG "Krwiozercze Bestie" [10" MLP, Black Vinyl]2020 - Black Metal from Poland |
WOLFHEAD "Wolfhead" [12" LP]Stoner/Doom Metal from Spain |
WOLFHOUND STOMP "The Punishing Fire" [12" MLP]2019 - Powerviolence/Punk from United States |
WOLF'S HOOK "Wolf's Hook" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2022 - Black Metal from International |
WOLFSBLOOD "Vomit & Lice" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2018 - Hardcore/Punk/Rock/Heavy Metal from Sweden |
WOLFTOWER "Throne Of Nightfall's Wrath" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2024 - Black Metal from Finland |
WOLVES OF PERDITION "Ferocious Blasphemic Warfare" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2021 - Black Metal from Finland |
WOLVES OF WINTER "Wolves Of Winter" [12" LP, Gatefold] *MINOR DAMAGE*2017 - Hard Rock/Stoner/Doom from United States |
WOMBBATH "Choirs Of The Fallen" [12" LP]2020 - Death Metal from Sweden |
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WOMBBATH / PAGANIZER "Hymns To Rot" [7" EP, Black Vinyl]2021 - Death Metal from Sweden | Death/Thrash from Sweden |
WOMIT ANGEL "Sodomatic Rites Of I.N.R.I." [12" LP]2012 - Black/Thrash/Punk from Finland |
WOMIT ANGEL "Under Sadistic Pressure" [12" LP]2019 - Black/Thrash/Punk from Finland |
WORMWOOD "Behemoth" [7" 2-EP, Clear Vinyl]Doom/Sludge from United States |
WOUND "Engrained" [12" LP, Gatefold]2017 - Death Metal from Germany |
WOUND "Serpent Crown" [12" LP, Gold Vinyl]2021 - Death Metal from Germany |
WOVENWAR "Honor Is Dead" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2016 - Heavy Metal from United States |
WRECK AND REFERENCE "Black" [12" LP]2017 - Doom/Noise from United States |