A THOUSAND SHIELDS "Portrait" [CD, Digipak]2010 - Progressive from United States |
ABORT MASTICATION "Dogmas" [MCD]2019 - Death/Grindcore from Japan |
ABSU "Barathrum: V.I.T.R.I.O.L. (30Th Anniversary Edition)" [12" 2-LP +Poster, Black Vinyl, Gatefold]2024 - Death (early), Black/Thrash from United States |
ACID AGE "Like A Runaway Combine Harvester In A Field Of Crippled Rabbits" [CD]2016 - Thrash from United Kingdom |
AFTERMATH "Building Up To Meltdown" [CD]2022 - Technical/Progressive Thrash from United States |
AFTERMATH "Don't Cheer Me Up" [CD]2022 - Technical/Progressive Thrash from United States |
AGGRESSIVE PERFECTOR "Satan's Heavy Metal" [MCD]2016 - Speed/Thrash/Heavy Metal from United Kingdom |
ALUK TODOLO "Lux" [CD, Digipak]2024 - Occult rock from United States |
ALVERNA GUNN "Rabies Can Seriously Damage Your Health" [12" LP]2022 - NWOBHM from United Kingdom |
| |
AMERICAN PSYCHO REACTION FIGURES "Patrick Bateman (Raincoat)" [TOY]2024 - |
ANGANTYR "Indsigt" [12" LP, Grey/Black Galaxy Vinyl]2024 - Black Metal from Sweden |
ANGANTYR "Indsigt" [CD, Digipak]2024 - Black Metal from Sweden |
ANGEL CORPSE "Goats To Azazael" [10" MLP]2024 - Death/Black Metal from United States |
| |
ANGUIS DEI "Angeist" [CD, Digipak]2020 - Black Metal from Japan |
ANOXIA "To The Lions" [CD, Digipak]2019 - Death/Grind from United States |
ARCANUM "The Book Of Onyx" [CD]2020 - Heavy Metal from United States |
ARMORY "Mercurion" [CD]2022 - Speed from Sweden |
ASK A STRANGER "Stranger Things Have Happened" [CD]2017 - Melodic Rock from United States |
ATTICA "Hell To Pay" [CD]2004 - Hard Rock from United States |
ATTICA "Wild Cry" [CD]2020 - Hard Rock from United States |
AUSTERYMN "Sepulcrum Viventium" [CD]2015 - Melodic Death/Doom from United Kingdom |
BANDIT "Stand & Deliver" [MCD]2019 - Heavy/Speed from Finland |
BELORE "Journey Through Mountains And Valleys" [12" LP, White/Black Marbled Vinyl, Gatefold]2024 - Epic/Atmospheric Black Metal from France |
BLACK HOLE "Land Of Mystery" [T-Shirt]1985 - Doom with Progressive Rock influence from Italy |
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BLACK MASS PERVERTOR "Phanerosis" [CD]2016 - Black/Punk from Finland |
BLACK WASTELAND "Incantations Of Decay" [CD]2015 - Doom from Germany |
BLITZKRIEG "Loud And Proud" [CD]2019 - Death/Thrash from United Kingdom |
BLUUURGH "Suffer Within, 25 Years Of Suffering" [CD]2015 - Death/Thrash from Netherlands |
BOIZE "Boize" [CD]2018 - Heavy Metal from Canada |
BOMBS OF HADES "Carnivores" [7" EP]2008 - Death Metal from Sweden |
BRADUNG "Bami Viagra" [CASSETTE]2022 - Black Metal from International |
BRAT "The End" [CD]2019 - Heavy/Hard Rock from United States |
BUTCHER "On Fowl Of Tyrant Wing" [12" LP, Gatefold]2023 - Speed from Belgium |
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CELESTIA "Delhys Catess" [CD, Digipak]Black Metal from France |
CERTAINTY "Certainty" [CASSETTE]2022 - Raw Black/Punk from Russia |
CHALLENGER "Turned To Dust" [CD]2019 - Heavy/Speed from Slovenia |
CHAPEL OF DISEASE "... As We Have Seen The Storm, We Have Embraced The Eye" [CD, Digipak]2018 - Death Metal from Germany |
CHRIST AGONY "Darkside" [2-CD]2018 - Black Metal from Poland |
CHRONICLE "Demonology" [CD]2020 - Blackened Melodic Thrash from Denmark |
CLIFF BURTON "Reaction Figure (Wave 1)" [TOY]2024 - |
CLIFF BURTON "Ultimates Wave 02" [TOY]2024 - |
COURT JESTER "The Jokes On You / Where Witches Dwell" [CD]2020 - Heavy Metal from United States |
CROMM CRUAC "Senecio" [CD]2015 - Melodic/Technical Death Metal from Netherlands |
CRUELLA "Shock The World" [CD]2017 - Power/Speed from United States |
CRUELLA "Vengeance Is Mine" [CD]2017 - Power/Speed from United States |
CRYSYS "Hard As A Rock" [CD, Digipak]2014 - Heavy Metal from United States |
DAGGER "Deep Cuts 1989-1999" [CD]2018 - Hard Rock from Sweden |
DAMIEN STEELE "Damien Steele" [CD]2019 - Progressive/Power from United States |
DAN JEFFERIES CENTURY "Century" [CD]2020 - Hard Rock from Canada |
DARK DESIGN "Prey For The Future" [CD]2013 - Progressive Power/Thrash from United States |
DEAD DOG'S HOWL "Mausoleum Of Confessed Thoughts" [MCD, Digipak]2019 - Black Metal from International |
DENNER'S INFERNO "In Amber" [CD, Digipak]2019 - Heavy Metal from Denmark
DEPARTURE CHANDELIER "Antichrist Rise To Power" [12" LP, Gatefold]2019 - Black Metal from International |
DESECRATION "Dead... Yet, Not Forgotten" [4-CD +DVD]2015 - Death/Thras Metal from United States
DESEKRYPTOR "Vortex Oblivion" [CASSETTE]2023 - Death Metal from United States |
DESEKRYPTOR "Vortex Oblivion" [CD]2023 - Death Metal from United States |
DESIRE "Cry To The Sky" [CD]2019 - Heavy Metal from United States |
DESIRE "Screamer On The Rocks" [CD]2019 - Heavy Metal from United States |
DESTROYER "Monster With Six Arms & Three Heads" [CD]2018 - Black/Thrash from Colombia |
DESTRUCTO "Demonic Possession" [CD]2021 - Black/Thrash from Netherlands |
DEVOURING STAR / CAECUS "Split" [12" LP]2018 - Black/Death Metal from Finland | Black/Death Metal from United Kingdom |
DIGERDODEN "Genom Dodens Svarta Torst" [CASSETTE]2022 - Black Metal from Sweden |
DJEVELKULT "Drep Alle Guder" [12" LP]2022 - Black Metal from Norway |
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DOGBANE "Idylls Of Woe" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2019 - Heavy/Doom from United States |
DOGBANE "Idylls Of Woe" [CD]2019 - Heavy/Doom from United States |
DOGBANE "Neptune's Ballroom" [CD]2020 - Heavy/Doom from United States |
DOGBANE "Residual Alcatraz" [CD]2011 - Heavy/Doom from United States |
DUKOV "Death Is Ok" [MCD]2021 - Punk/Grind from Italy |
EMPEROR "Ix Equilibrium (Half Speed Master)" [12" LP, Black/Gold Vinyl, Gatefold]2022 - Symphonic Black Metal from Norway |
ERSCHEINUNG "Spokerij" [CASSETTE]2022 - Black/Ambient from Netherlands |
ERSCHEINUNG "Todesriten" [CASSETTE]2022 - Black/Ambient from Netherlands |
EVOKADOR "Evokador" [CD]2018 - Black/Thrash from Guatemala |
EXTERMINATION DAY "Be The Consequence" [CD]2022 - Heavy/Doom/Punk from United States |
FALSE PROPHET "Prayers Of Emptiness" [CD]2019 - Thrash/Death Metal from United States |
FANATIC ATTACK "II" [CD]2015 - Thrash from Hungary |
FISTULA "Hymns Of Slumber" [CASSETTE]2021 - Death Metal from United States |
FOREST WHISPERS "Do Szkarlatnego Czyscca" [MCD]2020 - Black Metal from Poland |
FOUR LARGE MEN "Flm" [CD]2021 - Heavy/Hard Rock from United States |
GENGHIS KHAN "The Awakening / The Passage" [CD]2017 - Heavy Metal from United States |
GHASTLY "Mercurial Passages" [CASSETTE]2021 - Death Metal from Finland |
GHASTLY "Mercurial Passages" [CD]2021 - Death Metal from Finland |
GJENDOD "Angrep" [12" LP, Blue Vinyl]2020 - Black Metal from Norway |
GJENDOD "I Utakt Med Verden" [12" LP, White Vinyl]2022 - Black Metal from Norway |
GJENDOD "Livskramper" [12" LP]2024 - Black Metal from Norway |
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GOREFEST "Chapter 13" [12" LP, Splatter Vinyl, Gatefold]1998 - Death/Death 'n' Roll from Netherlands |
GOREFEST "Soul Survivor" [12" LP, Splatter Vinyl, Gatefold]1996 - Death/Death 'n' Roll from Netherlands |
GOTHAM CITY "Black Writs" [CD]2024 - Heavy/NWOBHM from Sweden |
GOTHAM CITY "The Early Years" [CD]2024 - Heavy/NWOBHM from Sweden |
GRAND CELESTIAL NIGHTMARE "The Great Apocalyptic Desolation" [CD]2022 - Symphonic Black Metal from Netherlands |
GRAVEYARD "The Coffin Years" [CD]2015 - Death Metal from Spain |
GWAR "The Blood Of Gods" [12" 2-LP, Black Vinyl, Gatefold]2017 - Heavy/Punk/Hard Rock from United States |
HAIKARA "Haikara" [12" LP, Blue Vinyl, Gatefold]1972 - Progressive Rock from Finland |
HARBINGER "The Inevitable" [CD]2018 - Traditional/Speed/Thrash from United States |
HATE FOREST "Justice" [CD, - Jewel Case]2024 - Raw Black w/ Ambient Elements from Ukraine |
HELL "Human Remains" [CD]Black/Death Metal from France |
HELL TREPANNER "Macabre Smell Of Rot" [CD]2020 - Death/Thrash from Peru |
HELLERUIN "Devils, Death And Dark Arts" [CASSETTE]2022 - Black Metal from Netherlands |
HELLERUIN "Devils, Death And Dark Arts" [CD]2023 - Black Metal from Netherlands |
HELLION "You'Re Not Welcome Here" [CD]2018 - Heavy Metal from United States (Washington) |
HELLSPAWN "In Agelessness" [MCD]2021 - Death Metal from Poland |