SAVAGE MASTER - Those Who Hunt At Night BULLDOZER - The Final Separation
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1349 - The Infernal Pathway
1349 "The Infernal Pathway" [12" 2-LP, Silver Vinyl, Gatefold]2019 - Black Metal from Norway

1349 - The Wolf & The King
1349 "The Wolf & The King" [12" 2-LP, Gatefold]2024 - Black Metal from Norway
Price $36.99

1349 - The Wolf & The King
1349 "The Wolf & The King" [CASSETTE]2024 - Black Metal from Norway

ABORT MASTICATION "Orgs" [CD, - Jewel Case]2008 - Death/Grindcore from Japan

ABSTRACTER - Abominion
ABSTRACTER "Abominion" [CD, Digipak]2021 - Blackened Crust/Sludge/Doom from United States

ACID - Engine Beast
ACID "Engine Beast" [12" LP]1985 - Speed from Belgium
Price $21.99

ACID BLADE - Power Dive
ACID BLADE "Power Dive" [CASSETTE]2023 - Heavy Metal from Germany

ACID WITCH - Evil Sound Screamers
ACID WITCH "Evil Sound Screamers" [12" LP]2017 - Death/Doom from United States
Price $16.99 - $20.99

AIRBORN - Lizard Secrets: Part 2 Age Of Wonder
AIRBORN "Lizard Secrets: Part 2 Age Of Wonder" [CD]2020 - Heavy/Power from Italy

AKHTYA - Ishtar Labbatum
AKHTYA "Ishtar Labbatum" [CD]2021 - Dark Ambient from United States

AKHTYA - Leviathan The Twisting Serpent
AKHTYA "Leviathan The Twisting Serpent" [CD]2021 - Dark Ambient from United States

AMETHYST - Rock Knights
AMETHYST "Rock Knights" [CASSETTE]2023 - Heavy Metal from Switzerland

ANNIHILATUS "Blood And War" [CD, Digipak]2019 - Black Metal from Finland

ANTAEUS - Cut Your Flesh And Worship Satan
ANTAEUS "Cut Your Flesh And Worship Satan" [12" LP, Marbled Transparent Red/Black Vinyl]2019 - Black Metal from France

APHRODITE - Orgasmic Glory
APHRODITE "Orgasmic Glory" [CD]2021 - Heavy Metal from United States

APOSENTO - No Safe Haven
APOSENTO "No Safe Haven" [CD]2024 - Death Metal from Spain

AQUILLA - Mankind's Odyssey
AQUILLA "Mankind's Odyssey" [CASSETTE]2023 - Heavy Metal from Poland

ARMORY - Mercurion
ARMORY "Mercurion" [CASSETTE]2023 - Speed from Sweden

ARMORY - The Search
ARMORY "The Search" [CASSETTE]2023 - Speed from Sweden

AUTOPSY - Skull Grinder
AUTOPSY "Skull Grinder" [CD]2015 - Death Metal from United States

AUTUMN'S DAWN - Dying Ember
AUTUMN'S DAWN "Dying Ember" [CD]2020 - Depressive Post-Black/Rock from Australia

AVULSED - Yearning For The Grotesque
AVULSED "Yearning For The Grotesque" [CD]2003 - Death Metal from Spain

AXXELERATOR - Head Or Trails
AXXELERATOR "Head Or Trails" [CD]2022 - Thrash from Switzerland

BAISE MA HACHE - Ab Origine Fidelis
BAISE MA HACHE "Ab Origine Fidelis" [CD, Digipak]2022 - Black Metal from France

BANEFUL STORM - Invocations
BANEFUL STORM "Invocations" [MCD]2018 - Black/Death Metal from France

BAPTISM - Grim Arts Of Melancholy
BAPTISM "Grim Arts Of Melancholy" [12" 2-LP, Black Vinyl, Gatefold]2020 - Black Metal from Finland

BAPTISM - Morbid Wings Of Sathanas
BAPTISM "Morbid Wings Of Sathanas" [12" 2-LP, Black Vinyl, Gatefold]2020 - Black Metal from Finland

BATTLE AXE - Long Way Home
BATTLE AXE "Long Way Home" [CD]2017 - Heavy/Glam from United States

BETRAYER - Betrayer
BETRAYER "Betrayer" [CD]2012 - Traditional/Thrash from Canada

BEYOND THE GATES - Beyond The Gates
BEYOND THE GATES "Beyond The Gates" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2023 - Blackened Heavy Metal from Germany

BLACK CILICE - Banished From Time
BLACK CILICE "Banished From Time" [12" LP, Grimace Purple Vinyl]2022 - Raw Black Metal from Portugal

BLACK HOLE - Beyond The Gravestone
BLACK HOLE "Beyond The Gravestone" [12" 2-LP, Gatefold]2023 - Doom with Progressive Rock influence from Italy
Price $27.99 - $28.99

BLACK WITCHERY - Inferno Of Sacred Destruction
BLACK WITCHERY "Inferno Of Sacred Destruction" [12" LP, Clear Galaxy Vinyl]2019 - Black Metal from United States

BLACKWATER HOLYLIGHT "Silence Motion" [12" LP, Violet Vinyl]2021 - Stoner/Doom/Psychedelic from United States

BLASPHAMAGOATACHRIST - Bastardizing The Purity
BLASPHAMAGOATACHRIST "Bastardizing The Purity" [12" LP, Black Vinyl, Gatefold]2019 - Black/Death Metal from International

BLASPHEMANIAC - Bestial Occult Ceremony
BLASPHEMANIAC "Bestial Occult Ceremony" [CASSETTE]2023 - Black/Thrash from Brazil

BLOODSHOT EYE - Except The Unexpected
BLOODSHOT EYE "Except The Unexpected" [CD]2009 - Deathcore from Canada

BLUT AUS NORD - Disharmonium Nahab
BLUT AUS NORD "Disharmonium Nahab" [12" LP, Gatefold]2023 - Black Metal from France
Price $19.99 - $20.99

BLUT AUS NORD - Disharmonium Nahab
BLUT AUS NORD "Disharmonium Nahab" [CD, Digipak]2023 - Black Metal from France

BRODEQUIN - Harbinger Of Woe
BRODEQUIN "Harbinger Of Woe" [CD, Digipak]2024 - Brutal Death Metal from United States

BURSTING WITH LARVAE - A North American Drum Machine Assault
BURSTING WITH LARVAE "A North American Drum Machine Assault" [CD]2016 - Death Metal from Canada

CADAVERIC POSSESSION "Sanctity Collapsed" [MCD]2017 - Black/Death Metal from Poland

CANKER - Exquisites Tenderness
CANKER "Exquisites Tenderness" [CD]2021 - Death Metal from Spain

CANNABIS CORPSE - Beneath Grow Lights Thou Shalt Rise
CANNABIS CORPSE "Beneath Grow Lights Thou Shalt Rise" [CD, Digipak]2021 - Death Metal from United States

CANNABIS CORPSE "Nug So Vile" [CD, Digipak]2019 - Death Metal from United States

CARONTE "Yoni" [12" LP]2017 - Doom/Stoner from Italy

CARONTE "Yoni" [CD, Digipak]2017 - Doom/Stoner from Italy

CATALEPTIC - The Tragedy
CATALEPTIC "The Tragedy" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2021 - Doom from Finland

CEREBUS - Too Late To Pray
CEREBUS "Too Late To Pray" [CD]2017 - Heavy/Power from United States

CHAINSAW DISGORGEMENT - Butchered In The Back Of The Human Meat Market
CHAINSAW DISGORGEMENT "Butchered In The Back Of The Human Meat Market" [CD]2018 - Brutal Death Metal from United States

CLOAK - The Burning Dawn
CLOAK "The Burning Dawn" [CD, Digipak]2019 - Black/Rock from United States

CLOAK - To Venomous Depths
CLOAK "To Venomous Depths" [CD]2017 - Black/Rock from United States

CLOCKWORK - Kill In Time
CLOCKWORK "Kill In Time" [CD]2017 - Technical Thrash/Groove from Switzerland

CONCATENATUS - Aeonic Dissonances Beyond Light's Consumption
CONCATENATUS "Aeonic Dissonances Beyond Light's Consumption" [12" LP]2016 - Atmospheric Black/Doom from Chile

CROSSBREEZE - Crossbreeze
CROSSBREEZE "Crossbreeze" [CD]2022 - Progressive Rock from Norway

DAMAGE CASE - Fuck'N'Roll Damnation
DAMAGE CASE "Fuck'N'Roll Damnation" [CD]2019 - Thrash from Poland

DARK FUNERAL - Nail Them To The Cross
DARK FUNERAL "Nail Them To The Cross" [7" EP]2022 - Black Metal from Sweden
Price $10.99 - $11.99

DARKTHRONE - Circle The Wagons
DARKTHRONE "Circle The Wagons" [CD]2015 - Death (early), Black (mid), Punk/Black/Heavy (later) from Norway

DARKTHRONE "Hate Them" [CD]2003 - Death (early), Black (mid), Punk/Black/Heavy (later) from Norway

DARKTHRONE - Plaguewielder
DARKTHRONE "Plaguewielder" [CD]2018 - Death (early), Black (mid), Punk/Black/Heavy (later) from Norway

DARKTHRONE - Ravishing Grimness
DARKTHRONE "Ravishing Grimness" [CD]2018 - Death (early), Black (mid), Punk/Black/Heavy (later) from Norway

DARKTHRONE - The Wind Of 666 Black Hearts
DARKTHRONE "The Wind Of 666 Black Hearts" [CD]2018 - Death (early), Black (mid), Punk/Black/Heavy (later) from Norway

DEAD SUN - Night Terrors
DEAD SUN "Night Terrors" [CD]2021 - Death Metal from Sweden

DEATHSWARM - Forward Into Oblivion
DEATHSWARM "Forward Into Oblivion" [12" LP]2021 - Death Metal from Sweden
Price $22.99 - $23.99

DECEMBRE NOIR - Forsaken Earth
DECEMBRE NOIR "Forsaken Earth" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2021 - Doom/Death Metal from Germany

DEHUMANISE - Sympton Of The Human Condition
DEHUMANISE "Sympton Of The Human Condition" [CD]2019 - Death/Thrash from United Kingdom

DER STURMER - The Blood Calls For Juarez
DER STURMER "The Blood Calls For Juarez" [CD, A5 Size, Digipak]2023 - NS Black Metal from Greece

DEVIL LEE ROT - Doomysterium Of Nomed Live
DEVIL LEE ROT "Doomysterium Of Nomed Live" [CD, A5 Size, Digipak]2018 - Blackened Heavy Metal from Sweden

DIABOLI - Kirous
DIABOLI "Kirous" [CD, Digipak]2020 - Black Metal from Finland

DIABOLI - The Antichrist
DIABOLI "The Antichrist" [CD, Digipak]2020 - Black Metal from Finland

DIOCLETIAN - Inexorable Nexus
DIOCLETIAN "Inexorable Nexus" [12" LP, Black Vinyl, Gatefold]2024 - Black/Death Metal from New Zealand

DIOCLETIAN - Inexorable Nexus
DIOCLETIAN "Inexorable Nexus" [CD, - Jewel Case]2024 - Black/Death Metal from New Zealand

DISGUST - Assimilate The Infection
DISGUST "Assimilate The Infection" [CD]2019 - Hardcore Thrash from Sweden

DISPLEASED DISFIGUREMENT "Extermination Process" [CD]2018 - Brutal Death Metal from South Africa

DORMANTH - Complete Downfall
DORMANTH "Complete Downfall" [CD]2020 - Melodic Doom/Death Metal from Spain

EMPIRE OF DISEASE - Shadows In The Abyss
EMPIRE OF DISEASE "Shadows In The Abyss" [CD]2023 - Metalcore/Melodic Death Metal from Spain

ESKHATON - Horracle
ESKHATON "Horracle" [MCD]2022 - Death Metal from Australia

EVIL ANGEL - Unholy Fight For Metal
EVIL ANGEL "Unholy Fight For Metal" [CD]Black/Thrash from Finland

EVIL MADNESS - The Irrelevance Of Existence
EVIL MADNESS "The Irrelevance Of Existence" [CASSETTE]2023 - Thrash from Chile

FESTERDECAY / CRASH SYNDROM - Encyclopedia Of Putrefactive Anomalies
FESTERDECAY / CRASH SYNDROM "Encyclopedia Of Putrefactive Anomalies" [CD, - Jewel Case]2020 - Goregrind from Japan | Death/Goregrind from Japan

GOATFYRE - Goatfyre
GOATFYRE "Goatfyre" [CASSETTE]2023 - Thrash/Crust Punk from Sweden

GOATHRONE "The Black" [CD]2018 - Black/Death Metal from Poland

GOLGOTHA - Remembering The Past: Writing The Future
GOLGOTHA "Remembering The Past: Writing The Future" [MCD]2021 - Death/Doom from Spain

GOREWORM - Prodigy Of The Grotesque
GOREWORM "Prodigy Of The Grotesque" [CD]2020 - Technical Death Metal from Canada

GORGON - Reign Of Obscenity
GORGON "Reign Of Obscenity" [12" LP]2019 - Black Metal from France
Price $17.99

GORGON - The Veil Of Darkness
GORGON "The Veil Of Darkness" [12" LP]2019 - Black Metal from France
Price $17.99

GRAVELAND - The Celtic Winter
GRAVELAND "The Celtic Winter" [PATCH, Woven]2024 - Black, Pagan/Viking from Poland

GRIEVE - Funeral
GRIEVE "Funeral" [12" LP]2023 - Black Metal from Finland
Price $24.99

GROSS REALITY - Escaping Reality
GROSS REALITY "Escaping Reality" [CD]2017 - Thrash from United States

GUILLIOTINO - Conjuration
GUILLIOTINO "Conjuration" [CASSETTE]2023 - Thrash from Sweden

GUTTED ALIVE - Consumed By Carnage
GUTTED ALIVE "Consumed By Carnage" [CD]2015 - Brutal Death Metal from United States

GYOTRELEM "Uresseg" [CD]2019 - Black Metal from Hungary

HATE ETERNAL - Upon Desolate Sands
HATE ETERNAL "Upon Desolate Sands" [12" LP, Gatefold]2024 - Death Metal from United States
Price $25.99

HATE ETERNAL - Upon Desolate Sands
HATE ETERNAL "Upon Desolate Sands" [CD, Digipak]2018 - Death Metal from United States

HATE FOREST - Hour Of The Centaur
HATE FOREST "Hour Of The Centaur" [12" LP]2022 - Raw Black w/ Ambient Elements from Ukraine
Price $22.99 - $26.99

HEILUNG "Drif" [CASSETTE]2022 - Folk from International

HELL IS OTHER PEOPLE "Embrace" [CD]2017 - Post-Black Metal from Canada

HELLIAS - Revenge Of Hellias
HELLIAS "Revenge Of Hellias" [12" LP +Poster, Booklet]Thrash from Poland
Price $19.99 - $25.99

HELLS CORONATION / CADAVERIC POSSESSION - Cadaveric Goatserpents' Coronation
HELLS CORONATION / CADAVERIC POSSESSION "Cadaveric Goatserpents' Coronation" [CD]2018 - Black/Doom from Poland | Black/Death Metal from Poland

HOLYCIDE - Towards Idiocracy
HOLYCIDE "Towards Idiocracy" [CD]2024 - Thrash from Spain
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