...AND OCEANS "A.M.G.O.D" [CASSETTE]2021 - Symphonic Black/Industrial from Finland |
...AND OCEANS "Cypher" [CASSETTE]2021 - Symphonic Black/Industrial from Finland |
49TH PARALLEL "49Th Parallel" [CD]1967 - Rock from Canada |
ABBATH "Dread Reaver" [CASSETTE]2022 - Black Metal from Norway |
ABBATH "Dread Reaver" [CD, Digipak]2022 - Black Metal from Norway |
ABYSMAL WINDS "Magna Pestilencia" [12" LP]2024 - Death Metal from Sweden |
ABYSMAL WINDS "Magna Pestilencia" [CD, - Jewel Case]2024 - Death Metal from Sweden |
ADDICTIVE "Kick 'Em Hard" [2-CD]Thrash from Australia |
AGE OF MAN "About Time" [CD]2015 - Rock from Spain |
ANTEDILUVIAN "Logos" [12" LP, Magenta Vinyl]2023 - Black Metal from Canada |
ARCANE EVIL / MYSOPHILIA "Split" [CD]2017 - Black/Thrash/Speed from Canada | Blackened Thrash from United States |
ARCTOS / SINIRA "A Spire Silent / Dawnless Twilight" [CD, Digipak]2021 - Melodic Black Metal from Canada | Melodic Black Metal from United States |
ARMON KUILU "Armon Kuilu" [12" LP]2015 - RIO/Avant-Prog / Progressive Rock from Finland |
ARMORED SAINT "Symbols Of Salvation: Live" [CD +DVD]2021 - Traditional from United States |
ARMOURED KNIGHT "The Sacred Flame" [CASSETTE]2021 - Heavy/Speed from Chile |
ASHBURY "Eye Of The Stygian Witches" [12" LP]2022 - 80's Hard Rock from United States |
| |
ASTRAL TOMB "Soulgazer" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2022 - Death Metal from United States |
ATAVISMA "On The Ruins Of A Fallen Empire" [7" EP, Grey Vinyl]2017 - Death/Doom from France |
AURORA BOREALIS "Worldshapers" [CD]Black/Death Metal from United States |
AUTOPSY NIGHT "Anatomical Integrity Dissolution" [CD]2018 - Brutal Death Metal from Russia |
AVZHIA "Dark Emperors" [CD, Digipak]2023 - Black Metal from Mexico |
AZOOMA "A Hymn Of The Vicious Monster" [MCD]Death Metal from Iran |
BAT "Under The Crooked Claw" [12" LP, Clear/Black Marbled Vinyl]2024 - Heavy/Speed from United States |
BEHEMOTH "I Loved You At Your Darkest" [CD, Slipcase]2018 - Black (early)/Black/Death (now) from Poland |
BEHERIT "Drawing Down The Moon (Nwn!)" [CD]2023 - Black/Dark Ambient from Finland |
BEHERIT "Oath Of Black Blood" [CASSETTE]2020 - Black/Dark Ambient from Finland |
BLACK CRUCIFIXION "The Fallen One Of Flames / Satanic Zeitgeist" [12" LP, Black Vinyl, Gatefold]2021 - Black (old), Dark (new) from Finland |
BLACKSMITH "Strike While The Iron's Hot" [CD]Power Metal from United States |
BLACKWOLFGOAT "Dronolith" [12" LP, Gatefold]2011 - Drone from United States |
BLAKAGIR "Nostalgia / Droga Przed Egzekucja" [CD]2005 - Pagan Black, Ambient from Poland |
BLASPHEMOUS CREATION "Forsaken Dynasty" [CD]2021 - Black/Death Metal from United States |
BLASPHEMY "Gods Of War" [12" 2-LP, Black Vinyl, Gatefold]2023 - Black Metal from Canada |
BLOOD STAR "First Sighting" [Digital Download]2023 - Heavy Metal from United States
BLOODHAMMER "Perversioita Ja Syntia" [CD, Digipak]2024 - Black Metal from Finland |
BORRACHO "Atacama" [CD]2016 - Rock from United States |
BULLDOZER "Ix / Alive..In Poland" [CD]2023 - Black/Speed from Italy |
BUZZARD "Sonic Renaissance" [CD]2016 - Stoner Rock from United States |
CADAVERIC FUMES "Dimensions Obscure" [12" MLP]2016 - Death Metal from France |
CADAVERIC FUMES "Echoing Chambers Of Soul" [12" LP]2021 - Death Metal from France |
| |
CADAVERIC INCUBATOR / UNDERGANG "Split" [7" EP]2022 - Death/Grindcore from Finland | Thrash/Crossover/Hardcore from Denmark |
CAIXAO "Demo 2020" [CASSETTE]2021 - Black Metal from Portugal |
CANDLEMASS "Ashes To Ashes" [12" 2-LP, White/Splatter Vinyl, Gatefold]2018 - Epic Heavy/Doom from Sweden |
CATALEPTIC "The Tragedy" [CD]2021 - Doom from Finland |
CENOTAPH / DAMNED CROSS "Reek From The Grave (Dark Hymns From The Past)" [CD]2018 - Death Metal from Mexico | Death Metal from Mexico |
CEREMONIAL "Ars Magicka" [7" EP, Blue Vinyl]2014 - Black/Thrash from Chile |
CESSPOOL OF VERMIN "Orgy Of Decompostion" [CD]2021 - Brutal Death Metal from United States |
CHAOS PATH "The Last Sign Of Eden / Dark Times" [12" LP +7" EP, Black Vinyl]2024 - Thrash/Black/Death Metal from Germany |
CHARNEL ALTAR "Abatement Of The Sun" [12" LP]2022 - Death/Black/Doom from Australia |
| |
CLAIRVOYANCE "Threshold Of Nothingness" [12" MLP]2022 - Death Metal from Poland |
| |
CLAN "Witchcraft" [CD]2015 - Rock from United Kingdom |
COLD WAVES OF COLOR "Volume 1" [CD, Digipak]1985 - |
COLD WAVES OF COLOR "Volume 2" [CD, Digipak]2015 - |
COLD WAVES OF COLOR "Volume 3" [CD, Digipak]2016 - |
COLD WAVES OF COLOR "Volume 4" [CD, Digipak]1985 - |
COMMANDO "Rites Of Damnation" [MCD, Slipcase]2020 - Thrash from Mexico |
CONGREGACION "Viene..." [CD in Sleeve]1972 - Psychedelic/Folk from Chile |
COUNT RAVEN "The Sixth Storm (Red Shell)" [CASSETTE]2021 - Doom from Sweden |
CRUCIFIED MORTALS / RADIOLOKATOR "Split" [7" EP, Gatefold]Thrash from United States
CRUCIFYRE "Infernal Earthly Divine" [12" LP, Gatefold]Death Metal from Sweden |
CRUCIFYRE "Post Vulcanic Black" [12" 2-LP, Clear Vinyl, Gatefold] **MINOR DAMAGE**2018 - Death Metal from Sweden |
CRUSTACEAN "Greed, Tyranny & Sodomy" [CD]Death/Thrash from Netherlands |
DAVY GRAHAM & HOLLY "Godington Boundry" [12" LP]1970 - Rock from United Kingdom |
DAWN OF AZAZEL "The Law Of The Strong" [12" LP, Gatefold]Death Metal from Netherlands |
DEATH OVER THREAT "Sangre" [CD]Thrash from Spain |
DEATH WARRANT "Ecstasy" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2024 - Thrash from Mexico |
DECAYING PURITY "Mass Extinction Of The Providential Ones" [CD]2020 - Brutal Death Metal from Turkey |
DEEP WINTER "Deep Winter" [CD]2016 - Rock from Russia |
DEHUMAN REIGN "Descending Upon The Oblivious" [CD]2020 - Death Metal from Germany |
DEIQUISITOR "Apotheosis" [CD]2022 - Death Metal from Denmark |
DEIVOS "Theodicy" [CD]2015 - Technical Death Metal from Poland |
DEMSTERVOLD "Afgrondstocht" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2024 - Black Metal from Netherlands |
DEPARTURE CHANDELIER "Dripping Papal Blood" [3" MCD]2022 - Black Metal from International |
DEPRESSOR "Depressor" [12" LP, Black Vinyl] *MINOR DAMAGE*2017 - Industrial (early), Death (later) from United States |
DESTROYER ATTACK "Diabolical Ectoplasm" [MCD]2015 - Thrash/Death Metal from Ecuador |
DETEST "Thundersteel: Demo Anthology" [2-CD]Power/Thrash from Sweden |
DIABOLI "Awakening Of Nordic Storm" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2021 - Black Metal from Finland |
DIABOLICUM "Ia Pazuzu" [12" LP, Gatefold]2015 - Industrial Black Metal from Sweden |
DISMEMBER "Death Metal" [12" LP, Purple Marbled Vinyl]2023 - Death Metal from Sweden |
DISMEMBER "Hate Campaign" [12" LP, Orange/Black Splatter Vinyl]2023 - Death Metal from Sweden |
DISMEMBER "Massive Killing Capacity" [12" LP, Yellow/Orange Marbled Vinyl]2023 - Death Metal from Sweden |
DISMEMBER "Pieces" [12" LP, Red/Black Split Vinyl]2023 - Death Metal from Sweden |
DISMEMBER "Pieces" [CD]2023 - Death Metal from Sweden |
DISORDER / DISTRUPTOR "Underworld" [CD]2017 - Punk/Sludge from United Kingdom | Thrash/Death Metal from Peru |
DOUG SNYDER & BOB THOMPSON "Daily Dance" [CD in Sleeve]2010 - Rock from United States |
DROWNING IN FORMALDHYDE "Dead Blood Is The Thickest" [CD]2023 - Brutal Death Metal from United States |
DROWNING THE LIGHT "The Serpents Reign" [CD]2024 - Black Metal from Australia |
DYSTROPHY "Wretched Host" [CD]2015 - Technical Death Metal from United States |
EDUARDO MATEO "Mateo Solo Bien Se Lame" [CD]1972 - Rock from Argentina
EISENHAND "Fires Within" [CASSETTE]2021 - Heavy Metal from Austria |
EL KINTO "El Kinto: The Complete Collection" [CD]1967 - Rock from Uruguay |
ELECTRIC AGE "Electric Age" [MCD]Hard Rock/Heavy Metal from Brazil |
EMBRACE OF THORNS "Revelation Of All Sins" [CD +DVD, Digipak]2021 - Black/Death Metal from Greece |
EMMANUELLE PARRENIN "Maison Rose" [CD]1977 - Folk/Rock from United States |
EMOTIONAL SUICIDE "Emotional Suicide" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2022 - Heavy/Hard Rock from United Kingdom |
ENFORCE "The Final Sign" [CD]Thrash/Speed Metal from Portugal |
ERADIKATOR "Dystopia" [CD]Thrash from United Kingdom |
ERUPTED EVIL "Ghoul" [CD]2019 - Black/Death/Doom from Poland |
ERUPTED EVIL "Teufel" [CD]2021 - Black/Death/Doom from Poland |
ETERNAL VALLEY "Kingdom Of Misery" [CD, Digipak]2021 - Black Metal from United States |
EVERTHRONE "Evil Tongues" [CD]Progressive from United States |