ABORT "Pezzi Di Vetro Schizzi Di Sangue" [BOOK]2023 - |
ABORTED "The Archaic Abattoir" [12" LP, Green Vinyl]2005 - Brutal Death Metal from Belgium |
ACID WITCH "Stoned" [12" LP]2010 - Death/Doom from United States
| |
AGATUS "Dawn Of Martyrdom" [CASSETTE]1996 - Black Metal from Greece
AMEBIX "Demo 1979 + Right Rise Demo 1987 & Live" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2023 - Crust Punk, Thrash from United Kingdom |
AMORPHIS / BELIAL "Day Of Darkness Part 2" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2022 - Progressive/Death/Doom, Modern Rock/Melodic (later) from Finland | Black/Death Metal from Finland |
ASCENSION OF THE WATCHERS "Apocrypha" [12" 2-LP, Black/Clear Vinyl, Gatefold]2020 - Ambient/Experimental from United States |
AUSSICHTSLOS "Einsicht" [12" LP]2022 - Black Metal from Austria |
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AUTARKIA "Gobiernate A Ti Mismo" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2023 - Punk/Rock from Mexico |
AVSKRADE "Det Stora Tunga Sjuka" [12" LP]2022 - Black Metal from Sweden |
BATHORY "Jubileum Vol.III" [12" 2-LP, Brown Vinyl]Black, Viking/Thrash from Sweden |
BELORE "Eastern Tales" [12" LP +Poster, Yellow/Violet Vinyl]2024 - Epic/Atmospheric Black Metal from France |
BEYOND THE NINTH WAVE "Beyond The Ninth Wave Vol.1" [CD]2005 - Black Metal from Canada |
BILWIS "Hameln" [12" LP +Poster, Sky Blue Galaxy Vinyl, Gatefold]2024 - Atmospheric Black Metal from Germany |
BLACK ANGELS "Demo 1984" [12" MLP, Black Vinyl, Gatefold]2023 - Heavy Metal from Norway |
BLOODY VALKYRIA "Kingdom In Fire" [12" LP, Red/Black Marbled Vinyl, Gatefold]2024 - Melodic Black Metal from Finland |
BLOODY VALKYRIA "Kingdom In Fire" [CD, Digipak]2024 - Melodic Black Metal from Finland |
BRADUNG "Bami Viagra" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2021 - Black Metal from International |
CANDLEMASS "Lucifer Rising" [12" 2-LP, Clear/Splatter Vinyl, Gatefold]2018 - Epic Heavy/Doom from Sweden |
CIRCLE OF OUROBORUS "Kiromantia" [CD]2022 - Experimental Black Metal from Finland |
CONQUEROR "Antichrist Superiority" [12" LP, Black Vinyl, Gatefold]2023 - Black/Death Metal from Canada |
CONQUEROR "Nuclear.Cult.Supremacy" [12" LP, Black Vinyl, Gatefold]2022 - Black/Death Metal from Canada |
CRIPPLE BASTARDS "From 1988 To 1991" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2022 - Grind from United States |
CROSSFIRE "Trouble's Coming" [CD]2023 - Speed from Belgium |
DEATH DEALERS "Files Of Atrocity" [12" LP, Red Vinyl, Gatefold]2021 - Thrash/Crossover from Puerto Rico |
DEATH SS "Rock 'N' Roll Armageddon" [12" 2-LP, Gatefold]2018 - Black Doom/Heavy/Speed (early), Industrial (later) from Italy |
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DEATH SS "The Cursed Concert 30Th Anniversary Ed" [12" 2-LP, Black Vinyl, Gatefold]2022 - Black Doom/Heavy/Speed (early), Industrial (later) from Italy |
DEATH VANISH "Hermitic Fire" [CASSETTE]2023 - Black Metal from United States |
DEATHKEY "Emanations Of Binaural Terror" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2022 - Power Electronics from United States |
DEMENTIA "Cursed From The First" [CD]2023 - Death Metal from Canada |
DEMONAX "Play That Metal Mean" [CD]2023 - Speed from United States |
DEPHOSPHORUS "Impossible Orbits" [CD]2017 - Death/Black/Grindcore from Greece |
DRAXXIS "Book Of Life" [CD]2023 - Power from United States |
DYING FETUS "Wrong One To Fuck With" [CD]2017 - Death/Grind/Hardcore from United States |
EISENKULT / ATRONOS "Demo Split" [CD]2022 - Black Metal from Germany |
ELDAMAR "Astral Journeys Pt: I : Creation" [12" LP, Sky Blue/Black Galaxy Vinyl, Gatefold]2024 - Atmospheric/Ambient Black Metal from Norway |
ELDAMAR "Astral Journeys Pt: I : Creation" [CD, Digipak]2024 - Atmospheric/Ambient Black Metal from Norway |
ELFFOR "From The Throne Of Hate" [12" LP, Black Vinyl, Gatefold]2024 - Ambient/Black Metal from Spain |
ELFFOR "Son Of The Shades" [12" LP, Black Vinyl, Gatefold]2024 - Ambient/Black Metal from Spain |
ENCOFFINATION "We Proclaim Your Death O' Lord" [CD]2019 - Doom/Death Metal from United States |
ENFORCER "Demo 1984" [12" MLP, Black Vinyl]2024 - Power/Doom from United States |
ERSCHEINUNG "Gelderse Nachtsagen" [CD]2022 - Black/Ambient from Netherlands |
FELLMOON "Fellmoon" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2023 - Black Metal from International |
FIREWIND "Apotheosis Live 2012" [12" 2-LP, Black Vinyl, Gatefold]2019 - Heavy/Power from Greece |
FOREST THRALL "Apparitions Of The Golden Horned" [CASSETTE]2022 - Raw Black Metal from United States |
FORLORN KINGDOM "Alpine Black Magick" [CD]2022 - Dungeon Synth from Italy |
FORLORN KINGDOM "Ancient Winter's Domain" [CD]2019 - Dungeon Synth from Italy |
FORLORN KINGDOM "Northern Spirits Call From Afar" [CD]2022 - Dungeon Synth from Italy |
FOUL "Of Worms" [MCD, Digipak]2019 - Death/Doom from United States |
FULCI "Duck Face Killings" [12" LP, Blue Vinyl]2024 - Brutal Death Metal from Italy |
FUNERAL FULLMOON "Unholy Kingdom Of Diabolic Emperors" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2023 - Black Metal from Chile |
FUNERAL WINDS "Gruzelementen" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2021 - Black Metal from Netherlands |
FUNERAL WINDS "Nexion Xul: The Cursed Bloodline" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2022 - Black Metal from Netherlands |
GELURE "The Candlelight Tomes" [12" LP, Yellow/Red Splatter Vinyl]2023 - Dungeon Synth from Australia |
GORGUTS "Considered Dead" [12" Picture LP]1991 - Technical/Avant-Garde Death Metal from Canada |
GORGUTS "The Erosion Of Sanity" [12" Picture LP]1993 - Technical/Avant-Garde Death Metal from Canada |
GRAND CELESTIAL NIGHTMARE "Excluded From Light And The Pleroma" [CD]2022 - Symphonic Black Metal from Netherlands |
GRAND CELESTIAL NIGHTMARE "Forbidden Knowledge And Ancient Wisdom" [CD]2021 - Symphonic Black Metal from Netherlands |
HAMMERFALL "One Crimson Night Live" [12" LP Box Set]2019 - Heavy/Power from Sweden |
HATE BEYOND "Strangled Existence" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2022 - Death/Thrash from Japan |
HUMAN GAS "Super Violence Hardcore '84-89" Boxset" [12" 2-LP +CD, DVD, Black Vinyl]2023 - Hardcore from Japan
HYPOCRISY "Fourth Dimension" [CD]2023 - Death, Melodic Death Metal from Sweden |
IBEX ANGEL ORDER "I:I: Creator / I.O. Destroyer" [CASSETTE]2023 - Black Metal from Netherlands |
IMPURE "Worship Them" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2021 - Brutal Death/Grind from Spain |
INVIDIOSUS / LPP "Split" [CD, Digipak]2019 - Death Metal from United States | Hardcore/Grind from South Korea |
J. W. POZOJ "Escape Of Pozoj" [CD]2011 - Progressive Black/Avant-garde from Croatia |
KALENDAR "House Of Six Planks" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2022 - Black Metal from Russia |
KANDARIVAS "Blood Surgical Death" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2022 - Grindcore from Japan |
KING DIAMOND "The Eye" [12" LP, Clear Vinyl]2014 - Heavy Metal from Denmark |
KONFLICT "Subjugation Ii" [12" LP, White Vinyl]2022 - Black/Death Metal from Sri Lanka |
LABYRINTHUS STELLARUM "Tales Of The Void" [12" LP]2023 - Atmospheric Black Metal from Ukraine |
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LACERATION "I Erode" [12" LP, Canary Yellow/Black Galaxy Vinyl]2024 - Death/Thrash from United States |
LACERATION "I Erode" [CASSETTE]2024 - Death/Thrash from United States |
LADY BEAST "Omens" [12" LP, White/Black Marbled Vinyl]2021 - Heavy Metal from United States |
LAMENT IN WINTER'S NIGHT "Whereunto The Twilight Leads" [12" LP]2024 - Death Metal from Australia
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LONDON 77 "Iustitia" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2023 - Hardcore/Punk from Italy |
LUNAR CHAMBER "Shambhallic Vibrations Ep" [12" LP, Grimace Purple/Easter Yellow Vinyl]2023 - Progressive Death/Doom from United States |
MAKE A CHANGE... KILL YOURSELF "Oblivion Omitted" [12" 2-LP, Black Vinyl, Gatefold]2019 - Depressive Black/Ambient from Denmark |
MALEFICE "Hexenkartothek" [12" LP]2021 - Black Metal from France |
MASS EXTINCTION "Never-Ending Holocaust" [CD]2022 - Thrash/Speed from Ireland |
MAUL "In The Jaws Of Bereavement" [12" LP, Blue Algae Marbled Vinyl]2024 - Death Metal from United States |
MAUL "In The Jaws Of Bereavement" [CASSETTE]2024 - Death Metal from United States |
MAYHEMIC TRUTH / MORRIGAN "A Ascencao Do Fogo E Do Aco" [CD, Digibook]2024 - Black Metal from Germany | Black/Viking from Germany |
MEGASCAVENGER "Boneyard Symphonies" [CD]2019 - Death Metal from Sweden |
MERRIMACK "Obsecrations To The Horned" [12" 2-LP, Black Vinyl, Gatefold]2021 - Black Metal from France |
MGLA "Age Of Excuse" [CD]2019 - Black Metal from Poland |
MIRIAH "Condition Red" [CD]2023 - Heavy/Power from United States |
NORTFALKE "Moonjeie" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2022 - Dungeon Synth from International |
NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST "Grinding Bombing Thrashing" [CD]2018 - Death/Grindcore from Poland |
ONSLAUGHT "The Force" [CD, Slipcase]2022 - Thrash from United Kingdom |
ONSLAUGHT "The Shadow Of Death" [CD, Slipcase]2021 - Thrash from United Kingdom |
OVERLORD "Broken Toys (Expanded Deluxe Edition)" [CD]2017 - Heavy/Doom from Canada |
PESTILENTIAL SHADOWS "Devil's Hammer" [12" LP, Red/Gold Galaxy Vinyl]2024 - Black Metal from Australia |
PLAGUE "A Blaze Of Unholy Fire" [MCD]2017 - Raw Black Metal from Belgium |
PREMATURE BURIAL "Antihuman" [CD]2019 - Heavy/Speed/Doom from Spain |
PUTREFACT "I Shall Die Upon This Putrefaction" [MCD]Death Metal from Mexico
QUESTION "Doomed Passages" [CD]2014 - Death Metal from Mexico |
RAT ALLEY "Down And Out" [CD]2023 - Heavy/Hard Rock from United States |
RATOS DE PORAO "Necropolitica" [12" LP, Black Vinyl, Gatefold]2022 - Hardcore/Punk, Thrash/Crossover from Brazil |
REDEMPTOR "The Becoming (2005-2011)" [CD]2018 - Technical Death Metal from Poland |