Pressed on traditional black vinyl and red vinyl. Comes with a lyrics insert.
Originally released in 2007 but long out of print, Sadismo will once again be available on the proper format - vinyl - that their ancient black metal regression so deserves. The key to POWER FROM HELL is in the very moniker itself, as the stripped-down 'n' straightforward anthems they so effortlessly discharge directly hail from a time when "black metal" was an extremely nebulous concept and only a handful of diehards played this sort of devilish racket. Indeed, there's an unapologetically raw quality to Sadismo that could've been a Bathory demo from 1984, and the lyrics are likewise equally crude 'n' rude: just witness "Pentagram Forces," "Day of Lust," "More Whores," "This is My Bitch," and the telltale "Raping Angels by the Power From Hell." Brimming with burning-leather solos at nearly every turn, Sadismo is the perfect soundtrack to your next alcoholocaust!