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SADHAK - Sadhak
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Doom Metal from Norway
Stock:  No
Record Label : Shadow Kingdom
More From : SADHAK products
Original Year : 2013
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Detailed Description
Shadow Kingdom Records is thrilled to introduce to you SADHAK (pronounced SUH-DUCK) from Norway! In 2006, there was what we feel a groundbreaking Doom Metal album from a long time underground Doom Metal band, WARNING (from the U.K). The album "Watching From a Distance" was such a melodramatic earth shattering experience to listen to. Shortly after the band disbanded, the mastermind behind the band started a new band called 40 WATT SUN which is a continuation of that sound. Because both of those bands are still relatively underground, there weren't too many bands jumping ship to try and play this style because quite frankly it's not easy to create this sound and style. The strange thing about SADHAK is that they're more infuenced by BURZUM (Classic Black Metal), EARTH (Stoner/Doom), and OM (Stoner/Doom) than they were of WARNING, but the way it all comes together makes it extremely exceptional! This is a side band created by Andreas Hagen from HIGH PRIEST OF SATURN. We've been craving for something like this for a long, long time now and let me say this has certainly hit the spot! What a great start for this band and the sky is the limit now for SADHAK to grow into something truly special. Do NOT miss out on this! Limited to 100.

1. On the Arrival of Man
2. The Perfection of Wisdom

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Norway | Doom