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SATANIKA - Satanikattack
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SATANIKA "Satanikattack" [CD]

Thrash/Black Metal from Italy
Stock:  Yes
Record Label : Austral Holocaust
More From : SATANIKA products
Detailed Description
A Diabolic assault of pure Thrash Speed Mayhem comming from Rome - Italy!! These hellreapers have come to bang your head! impale the false and hail the old kult of the glorious sound of Metal from the old days! Satanika's "Satanikattack" album unleashes a perfect obscure mix of the old sound of 80's and 90's Thrash Metal at its best!! LISTEN HERE: www.myspace/australholocaustprods

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Italy | Thrash/Black
$6.99 - $16.99
 Austral Holocaust $5.99 - $29.99