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VEKTOR - Outer Isolation
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VEKTOR "Outer Isolation" [12" LP]

Progressive Thrash from United States
Stock:  Yes
Record Label : Earache
More From : VEKTOR products
Detailed Description
One of last years hidden gems of the world thrash scene is not arguably, but certainly Vektor's 'Outer Isolation'! Having relocated from the suburban desert wastes of Arizona to the way more urban and Thrash orientated cityscape of Philadelphia these guys are in the ascendent having just scored a dream tour support to Napalm Death and Municipal Waste before heading to Europe next year!

Definitely one of the most original bands of the contemporary scene Vektor infuse dystopian Sci-fi concepts, amid complex compositions, that are at times progressive and others viscous rounded off by the killer blackened thrash vocals of David DiSanto, oh and dare I say it a Thrash scream that will have metals's greats doffing their caps as they realise their days are done!

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