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ZONE ZERO "The Lost Legacy" [2-CD]

Heavy Metal from Sweden
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Record Label : Shadow Kingdom
More From : ZONE ZERO products
Original Year : 1981
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Detailed Description
Shadow Kingdom Records is proud to introduce Zone Zero from Sweden. It would be a rare case if anyone were even aware of Zone Zero as they only put out 1 Single and a few demo tapes in the early 80's before disbanding. In the land of early Swedish Heavy Metal, the very first and most important band was without question Heavy Load, who started in the late 70's. With that said, Zone Zero does have a very strong Heavy Load influence and were also influenced by Judas Priest and the New Wave Of British Heavy Metal. There were quite a few bands that popped up in the early 80's in Europe that could have easily been apart of the N.W.O.B.H.M. but they weren't because that period of time only included England. This package includes their entire career, which started in 1980 and includes the band re-uniting for 3 brand new songs that were recorded in 2008.


1. Judgement Day 1981 [Live, Borl'nge]
2. Demon from Kingdom of Death 1981 [Live, Borl'nge]
3. Magic Woman 1981 [Live, Borl'nge]
4. Only Survivor 1981 [Live, Borl'nge]
5. Wannabe 1981 [Live, Borl'nge]
6. Genocide Patrol 1981 [Stereo-Stig, Smedjebacken]
7. Win or Die 1982 [Parda studio, Stockholm]
8. Evil Dream 1982 [Parda studio, Stockholm]
9. Demon from Kingdom of Death 1982 Bj'rbostudion, Gagnef]


10. Innocent 1983 [Bj'rbostudion, Gagnef]
11. Zone Zero 1983 [Bj'rbostudion, Gagnef]
12. Riding on the Wind 1983 [Bj'rbostudion, Gagnef]
13. Revenge 1983 [Bj'rbostudion, Gagnef]
14. Breaker of the Chains 1983 [Rehearsals, Djur's]
15. Searching for the Metal 1983 [Rehearsals, Djur's]
16. Someone's Calling my Name 1983 [Rehearsals, Djur's]
17. Tarakian 1983 [Rehearsals, Djur's]
18. I Want the Metal Back 2004 [Bedroomstudios, Gothenburg]
19. Chasing Victory 2008 [Bedroomstudios, Gothenburg]
20. Miss You 2008 [Bedroomstudios, Gothenburg]
21. Twilight of the Gods 2008 [Bedroomstudios, Gothenburg]

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